When is a Drug Side Effect Not a Side Effect?
- July 11, 2016 @ 8:24 pm
- Written by adminrtl
- Categories: Class Actions | Drug Injuries | Florida | Legal Advice

It feels like there’s a prescription drug for almost everything, nowadays. Pharmaceutical companies are working at breakneck speed to innovate new drugs, remake old drugs, and expand the reach of their pills by finding new marketing gimmicks and new uses. Yesterday’s anti-anxiety medicine may be tomorrow’s acne medicine.
In this rush to the top of the money pile, innocent consumers are being harmed. While many Americans benefit from regular use of blood-pressure and cholesterol medication, some patients suffer adverse effects. While there are certain side effects noted for every medication, how do you know what is a side effect and what is a drug injury?
Common Side Effects May Include…
By law, drug manufacturers must clearly inform the public about any risks associated with their drugs. You’ve probably seen the handy warnings that come with your medications. First, there are all the stickers on the vials and bottles with instructions and a few choice warnings. Then, there’s generally a small folded paper that opens up to a laundry list of microscopic text detailing the side effects and their probabilities.
While some doctors will cover a few of the more common side effects, it is rare for anyone to go through the complete list. And while many pharmacists do a great job ensuring your medications will play well together, there’s still a chance of harmful interaction, especially if you are taking any over the counter medications or supplements your pharmacist is unaware of.
T.V. drug commercials end with a common intonation, “common side effects may include”, followed by a litany of symptoms. At the end is a shorter section, “serious side effects are rare and include,” followed by a scarier litany that may include heart attacks and strokes. The idea here is that the drug company is required to be forthcoming about the results of their drug tests. They issue a likelihood of side effect (i.e. 5% of patients may feel…), but how accurate are these tests? What happens when too many patients suffer from severe side effects?
Is It a Drug Injury?
When we are prescribed a drug, we are generally informed of the risks of taking said drug. However, there is always a chance that we will suffer a greater adverse reaction. After all, not every drug will work for every person. However, when a drug company is responsible for pushing to market a defective drug or a drug that has not been sufficiently tested, they should be held liable for the injuries that occur because of their actions.
Drug injuries may be caused by:
- A manufacturing defect or contamination during the manufacturing process,
- A harmful interaction with another medication,
- Inadequate warning labels, and
- Poor or faulty research.
A drug injury can have serious consequences and alter the course of your life. Thankfully, personal injury law gives you way to fight back so you can put your life back together.
Consulting with a Tampa Drug Injury Lawyer
Drug injuries can lead to serious medical events including heart attacks, strokes, and even death. If you believe you’ve been harmed by a prescription drug, consulting with a Tampa drug injury lawyer can help you decide whether to pursue legal action.
A drug injury can lead to pain and suffering, lost wages, and the need for ongoing medical care. You and your family shouldn’t be stuck with the bills. Speak with a Tampa drug injury lawyer to learn more. If a pharmaceutical drug prescribed to you or a loved one is believed to have been the cause of an adverse reaction that extended beyond the normal side effects, a Tampa drug injury lawyer can help you fight for compensation.