Tractor-Trailer Accident FAQs

Have Questions About a Tractor-Trailer Accident? Get Answers.

  • What should I do if the insurance company contacts me?
    • After your truck accident, the insurance company may take immediate action to avoid paying compensation to you, your family, and other victims. This often includes having an insurance adjuster contact you. The adjuster may ask you questions about the accident and may even offer you a settlement. It is important that you avoid the insurance adjuster—do not answer phone calls, answer questions, and sign any contracts. It is the adjuster’s job to offer victims like you “lowball” settlements, and if you accept an offer, you may forfeit your rights to full compensation. Let our tractor-trailer accident lawyers deal with the insurance adjuster.
  • What can I get compensation for?
      • Current and future lost wages
      • Current and future medical expenses
      • Pain and suffering
      • Reduced quality of life
      • And more
    • As the victim of a tractor-trailer accident, you may be entitled to a wide range of damages—or compensation—including:
      • If your loved one died in the truck accident, you also may be eligible to receive compensation for funeral expenses, lost wages, and loss of care and companionship.
  • Why do truck accidents occur?
    • Tractor-trailer accidents can have a number of causes, including:
      • Truck Driver Error or Negligence
        • Truck drivers are held to high safety standards, but sometimes, drivers who are intoxicated, sleep deprived, or distracted can cause serious accidents.
      • Unsafe Trucks
        • Trucking companies are required by law to keep their trucks in road-worthy condition at all times. However, some trucking companies try to save time and money by using trucks that are old, poorly maintained, or overloaded. These unsafe practices often lead to tractor-trailer accidents.
      • Other Factors
        • Sometimes truck accidents happen because of external factors, such as:
          • Other drivers
          • Poor road conditions,
          • Severe weather
          • Pedestrians
          • Truck drivers
          • Truck manufacturers (including parts manufacturers)
          • Truck owners
          • Trucking companies
    • If you were injured in a truck accident, the tractor-trailer accident lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can investigate your claim and determine who is responsible. We will do everything we can to get you the compensation you are owed for your medical bills, lost wages, and vehicle repairs. Call us at 843-357-8000 or fill out a free initial consultation form today.
  • Who can be held responsible for a tractor-trailer accident?
    • Truck accidents are not always the truck driver’s fault. Other parties that can be held responsible for tractor-trailer accidents may include:
      • Car drivers
      • Motorcyclists
  • How can an attorney help me?
    • After your truck accident, you may be injured, and you also may have to deal with vehicle repairs, medical bills, and legal paperwork. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, our tractor-trailer accident lawyers can handle this so you can concentrate on getting better.Trying to go up against the insurance company on your own can be an unfair fight. Our law firm has years of experience taking on truck accident cases just like yours. We know how to level the playing field and get the legal results you need. Do not wait another day to get help for your truck accident—give us a call right now.

Birmingham Truck Accident & Injury Lawyer