Social Security Disability FAQs

Let Our Alabama Social Security Disability Lawyers Help Answer Your Questions About Social Security

  • How does the Social Security Administration define “disability”?
    • Social Security Disability (SSD) pays only for total disability. Partial or short-term disabilities may not be covered under the program. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a 5-step process to determine if you are disabled:
      • Are you currently working?
      • Is your medical condition “severe”?
      • Is your medical condition on the agency’s list of impairments?
      • Can you do the work you did before your disability?
      • Can you do any other types of work?
    • The Social Security Disability lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help you determine if you are qualified for SSD benefits. Call us today at 205-851-1168 or complete a free initial consultation form.
  • Can I receive Social Security Disability benefits if I am retired?
    • No. When you reach the age of retirement, you will receive retirement benefits instead of disability benefits. The current age of retirement is 67 years old.
  • Can my disabled child get benefits?
    • Your disabled child may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits if a parent has worked long enough to be eligible to collect SSD benefits. An adult child (age 18 or older) may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits based on disability or blindness if his or her:
      • Disability began before the age of 22,
      • Impairment(s) seriously limits his or her activities,
      • Parent(s) worked long enough to be insured under Social Security, and
      • Parent(s) and child have low income and few resources.
    • To be eligible for both SSI and SSD benefits, your child may not perform substantial work and must have a medical condition that has lasted for 1 year, is expected to last for 1 year, or is expected to result in death.
  • Can I work while receiving SSD benefits?
    • One of the requirements for receiving SSD benefits is that your disability prevents you from engaging in “substantial gainful activity.” That means, if you earn more than a certain monthly income, you are considered to be engaged in substantial gainful activity and may be denied disability benefits. The amount of earnings considered to be substantial gainful activity varies depending on the nature of your disability.
    • This does not mean you cannot work. You may be able to work and continue to receive benefits under certain work incentive programs such as the Ticket to Work. If you do return to work or experience a change in income, you should report that income to the SSA as soon as possible. If you do not, it could result in termination or reduction of your benefits.
  • How long will my Social Security Disability benefits last?
    • Once you are determined to be eligible for SSD, your disability benefits will continue for as long as your medical condition has not improved and you cannot work. The SSA will review your case from time to time to make sure that you are still disabled.
    • The SSA also will consider if you are receiving other benefits, have committed certain crimes, and more. If you have any questions about how your benefits may be reduced or terminated, contact a Social Security Disability attorney at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today.
  • Can private disability benefits affect my Social Security benefits?
    • Private disability insurance may not affect your eligibility for SSD benefits. However, workers’ compensation and certain other public disability payments can affect your Social Security benefits.
  • Can I receive both Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income benefits?
    • Yes. You may receive both SSI and SSD benefits if your income after receiving disability benefits is low enough. Even if your disability benefits are high and disqualify you from receiving both, you may temporarily receive SSI benefits during the 5-month waiting period when no disability benefits are paid.
    • If you have any questions about what benefits you may qualify for, contact one of the social security disability lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today.

Social Security Lawyers