Paraquat Exposure Alert: Paraquat Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

Have you Been Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease? Were you exposed to or required to work with Paraquat herbicide?

Those who used Gramoxone or Paraquat and subsequently developed Parkinson’s Disease may be entitled to compensation.

paraquat lawsuit

Agricultural Workers Could Be Entitled to Compensation

Learn What Your Case May Be Worth Today:

  • We’ll review your case at zero cost and with no obligation to proceed
  • We’ll help you determine if you may be eligible to file for compensation
  • We’ll be here to support and guide you through every step needed to pursue the compensation you’re owed

What Is Paraquat?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Paraquat is a chemical known to be toxic and used most typically as a fast-acting, non-selective contact weed killer. Paraquat is so toxic that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified it as a ‘restricted use’ chemical, meaning that it can only be handled by licensed operators.

Where Is Paraquat Found, and How it is Used?

First produced in 1961 for commercial purposes, worldwide the chemical is still one of the most frequently found ingredients in common herbicides. Within the United States, this chemical is readily available in varying concentrations.

Apart from landscaping and lawn services, Paraquat is widely used by US farmers of:

  • Wheat
  • Cotton
  • Soybeans
  • Peanuts
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet potatoes
  • And more…

It has seen a marked increase in use due to its remarkable effectiveness against what are known as ‘superweeds’, or those difficult to kill with more traditional herbicides such as glyphosate (such as that found in Roundup).

Brand Names and Products with Paraquat

The Most Popular Herbicide Containing Paraquat in the USA: Gramoxone SL 2.0, manufactured by Syngenta.

Other paraquat herbicide trade names include:

  • Blanco
  • Para-SHOT
  • Parazone
  • Helmquat
  • Firestorm
  • Quick-Quat
  • Ortho-Paraquat
  • Devour

Paraquat Exposure: Were you or are you at risk?

Each year over 10,000,000 pounds of Paraquat are used annually in the USA, with those who work with soybeans, corn, cotton, pastures, hay, and grapes/orchards at the highest risk.

The CDC states that the most common way people are exposed to paraquat is through inhalation and through contact with the skin. Those licensed applicators in frequent contact with the chemical are at most risk, specifically those in the agriculture, food, lawn and landscaping industries.

Common Modes of Exposure Include:

  • Spraying paraquat
  • Mixing or loading paraquat
  • Spending time in fields where paraquat was sprayed
  • Maintaining equipment pr tanks used to store or spray paraquat
  • But it’s not just workers who are put in danger. Research has demonstrated that wind can carry this chemical’s
  • particles into neighborhoods.

How Dangerous is Paraquat Exposure?

To date, dozens of countries have taken action to ban the use of this toxic chemical. In fact, the New York Times states that Paraquat is so dangerous that a single sip can be deadly. At last count, 30 countries have banned the substance, including both the European Union and China.

Acute Signs and Symptoms of Exposure:

  • Pain and swelling of the mouth or throat, followed by gastrointestinal distress including but not limited to nausea , abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Dehydration and/or electrolyte abnormalities
  • Low blood pressure
  • Heart, kidney or liver failure
  • Lung scarring (if inhaled)
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema)
  • Respiratory failure (difficulty breathing)
  • Seizures
  • And more…

Long-Term Signs and Symptoms of Exposure:

  • Long term lung scarring
  • Kidney failure
  • Heart failure
  • Esophageal strictures (scarring of the tube necessary for swallowing food)
  • And more…

Paraquat Exposure and Parkinson’s Disease: What you need to know

Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) reports a dangerous trend: a doubling of the use of Paraquat across the United States between 2006 and 2016.

This alarming trend is sounding warning bells, with the increased risk of exposure to the deadly toxin putting individuals at risk of a broad range of medical conditions, including Parkinson’s disease.

Is There a Link Between Paraquat Exposure and Parkinson’s Disease?

According to research, studies have determined that the use of Paraquat is associated with a risk of developing Parkinson’s diseases TWICE that of someone who had never been exposed to this chemical.

Among those medical journals publishing data connecting Paraquat to Parkinson’s include:

  • American Journal of Epidemiology
  • JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Neurology
  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

The Unified Parkinson’s Advocacy Council Weighs In

In a letter submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Unified Parkinson’s Advocacy Council stated that, “Recent research links paraquat and several other herbicides to the development of Parkinson’s pathology and symptoms.” This letter further when on to urge the EPA to take action to ban the use of Paraquat in the United States. Unfortunately, as of April 2021, the EPA has failed to take this advice, putting farmers and those working in agriculture at considerable risk.

Who Qualifies to File a Belviq Lawsuit?

Every case and situation is unique. In order to determine your eligibility, reach out to our personal injury law firm for a complimentary case evaluation.

Who Qualifies?

In general, any patient who had taken Belviq for a period of six months or longer, and who later developed colorectal, pancreatic, or lung cancer may qualify.

*Use of Belviq does not have to be 6-consecutive months, but 6-months or more total

Heirs and family members of a patient who had taken Belviq for six or more months and later died from these cancers may also qualify (strict statute of limitations often exist, so don’t delay).

Agricultural Workers Parkinson’s Disease

Lawsuits File Against Manufacturers in Several States

Despite the warning on the wall so to speak, use of Paraquat not only continued, but increased, putting thousands of individuals at risk, many of whom have since developed Parkinson’s disease as a result of exposure.
In October of 2017, we saw the first lawsuits against manufacturers of paraquat and paraquat-containing products hit court records. With the first lawsuits filed in Illinois, other states were soon to follow, with agricultural workers and farmers filing lawsuits in several other states according to Bloomberg.

Manufacturers currently named in lawsuits across the USA include: Syngenta, Chevron U.S.A. Inc, and Growmark.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Law firm, we have successfully represented thousands of clients who have been personally injured as a result of a company’s negligence. We’ve built a reputation on fighting for the ‘little guy’ and standing up against big corporations that put consumers at risk. If you or a loved one work with, around or were exposed to Paraquat and later developed Parkinson’s Disease, we can help. Reach out today for a no-cost consultation. If we take your case, you only pay if/when we achieve a settlement or compensation for you and your family.

Do I Qualify for a Paraquat Lawsuit?

As more people become aware of the link between Paraquat and Parkinson’s disease, more people are filing suit to get compensated for the damages this diagnosis has caused to their lives.

If you were exposed to, worked with, or came in contact with Paraquat through direct or indirect use, you may qualify to seek compensation and legal remedy for damages and personal injury sustained as a result.

A successful lawsuit can ensure that you and your family have the financial security and ability to pay for ongoing and past medical care, lost wages, lost future earning potential, pain and suffering, and for other hardships experienced.

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers has successfully helped its clients win awards in excess of $400 million to date, and are eager to find out how we can help you get the compensation that YOU deserve.

What Do I Need to Know If I’m Considering a Paraquat Lawsuit?

  • There is a statute of limitations, meaning you have a limited amount of time to seek compensation
  • You may be eligible to seek compensation for pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages, reduction in quality of life and more
  • You need the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer with a documented track record of success – the consultation is free, and if we take your case its often on a ‘no pay unless we win’ basis.

Don’t Wait, Get the Compensation you Deserve

Let our talented legal team go to work for you, fighting relentlessly for the compensation you and your family are owed.

The consultation is free, and we work on a contingency basis, meaning if we take your case, you pay nothing up front, and only if we win.