Negligent Security Claim

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Stands Up to Negligent Business Owners

Negligent Security Claim

Did you know that Alabama law requires business and property owners to make sure their customers and visitors are safe? That means, if you were physically harmed at a location—such as an apartment, hotel or motel, shopping center, mall, or other public area—you may have a negligent security claim.

Even if the property owner says he or she was not aware of a particular hazard, the negligent security lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help. We may be able to prove that the owner should have known about and prevented the potential danger.

Business & Property Owner Responsibility

The law states that anyone who invites guests or customers onto his or her property has certain responsibilities for the safety of those people. In fact, in certain situations, property or business owners have a duty to protect customers from foreseeable criminal acts.

  • Business owners are required, under Alabama law, to be aware of prior crime in the area. When an area has had significant criminal activity in the past, the owner must provide security, such as sufficient lighting.
  • Property owners have a responsibility to ensure that safety hazards are not present on their properties. For example, homeowners who have pools must take steps to prevent children from entering the pool area without adult supervision.

Whether you tripped on a broken step or fell down a poorly lit stairwell, as negligent security lawyers, we are here to help you recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other expenses resulting from someone else’s failure to provide a safe and secure environment.

Contact Our Negligent Security Attorneys

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we have experience handling negligent security claims. Our dedicated lawyers, client managers, and investigators have the resources and knowledge to help you recover for your injuries and mental anguish after an incident involving negligent security.

Contact a negligent security attorney today. Complete a free initial consultation form now or call us toll free at 205-851-1168. We are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.