Motorcycle Accident FAQs

You Have Questions About Your Motorcycle Accident. Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Has Answers.

  • What are common causes of motorcycle accidents?
  • Motorcyclists must be alert and cautious at all times when they are on the road. But sometimes motorcycle accidents happen no matter how many precautions are taken.Common causes of motorcycle accidents include:
    • Distracted car or truck drivers
      • When drivers are distracted by electronic devices, passengers, or phone calls, they may strike motorcyclists and cause serious injuries.
    • Low visibility
      • During inclement weather—such as rain or fog—it can be difficult for drivers to see motorcyclists.
    • Road hazards
      • Sometimes accidents happen because of defects or unsafe road conditions. Hazards that pose little risk to cars—such as potholes, sharp curves, or even debris in the road—can be deadly for motorcyclists.
  • All drivers have a responsibility to be on the lookout for motorcyclists, and local and state governments also are responsible for keeping roads in safe condition for all travelers.
  • What do I need to legally ride a motorcycle in Alabama?
  • Under Alabama law, you are required to have:
    • A valid motorcycle endorsement on your driver license
    • Proof you completed a rider education course
    • At least $10,000 of injury insurance
    • A helmet if you are under the age of 21
  • If you were injured in a motorcycle accident—or if you have questions about Alabama law—the motorcycle accident lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help. Just dial 205-851-1168 or fill out a free initial consultation form.
  • How long do I have to file a claim after my motorcycle accident?
  • In Alabama, the personal injury statute of limitations—or time limit for filing a lawsuit—is limited. The longer you wait after the motorcycle accident, the more difficult it can be to get compensation. In fact, the insurance company may begin preparing evidence against you within days of the accident—so call a motorcycle accident lawyer right away to make it a fair fight.
  • What types of damages can I receive?
  • After your motorcycle accident, you may be facing several expenses with no way to pay for them all—especially if you are too hurt to work. Our motorcycle accident lawyers can investigate your accident and help you get the money you are owed.When you file a claim, the legal team at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers will pursue damages for your:
    • Lost wages
    • Medical bills
    • Pain and suffering
    • Physical therapy
    • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Why do I need to call a lawyer?
  • It is easy to assume that the aftermath of a motorcycle accident involves little more than submitting a claim to the insurance company and waiting for a check to arrive in the mail. Unfortunately, it is almost never that simple.To protect their profits, insurance companies offer clients just like you the lowest possible dollar amount for their accidents. And by the time you get a bill for your medical treatments and motorcycle repairs, you realize it is not nearly enough to pay for your expenses. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, our motorcycle accident lawyers will negotiate with the insurance company to help you get the full compensation you deserve.

Motorcycle Accident