Drunk Driving Accident FAQs

Get the Facts on Drunk Driving Accidents

  • What is considered drunk driving?
    • Anyone who drives with a blood alcohol content (BAC) that is .08 percent or above can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI). Drivers under the age of 21 can be arrested for DUI with a BAC as low as .02 percent, while commercial drivers can be arrested at .04 percent or above.
    • If you were injured in a car accident that was caused by a drunk driver, the drunk driving accident lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers want to hear from you. We have the skill and the resources to help prove the other driver may have been intoxicated. Call us at 205-851-1168 or fill out a free initial consultation form.
  • What damages can I recover if I file a claim?
    • As a victim of a drunk driving accident, you have the right to file a claim for any economic or non-economic damages you sustained in the crash. This includes compensation for:
      • Lost wages if you become disabled and cannot work,
      • Medical bills for treatment of your injuries,
      • Physical or emotional pain and suffering,
      • Vehicle repair expenses, and
      • More.
    • You also may receive compensation in the form of punitive damages, which are designed to punish the driver and are paid in addition to the other types of compensation you can receive.
  • What should I do if I am injured in a drunk driving accident?
    • After a drunk driving accident, there are a few important steps you should take to protect your health and your rights:
      • Call 911. You or the other driver may have been injured in the crash. By calling 911, you can both receive treatment for your injuries. Police responders may test the other driver for DUI, which may be evidence you can use in your case.
      • Get contact information. If possible, collect contact information, such as the other driver’s name, phone number, address, and insurance details. You also should ask any witnesses for their contact information.
      • Collect evidence. Take pictures of the crash scene, any vehicles that were involved, and any injuries that you suffered. You also should preserve other evidence, such as torn clothing or crash debris like broken glass.
      • Call a drunk driving accident lawyer. Drunk driving accidents need the dedication and knowledge of the law that only a qualified attorney can provide. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, our drunk driving accident lawyers have the resources to give your claim the full attention it needs to be successful.
  • Who can be held responsible for drunk driving accidents?
    • If the person who caused the accident is found to have a BAC that is higher than the legal limit, you can file a lawsuit against him or her. In addition, under Alabama’s dram shop law, you also can file a claim against a restaurant or bar if it provided alcohol to the person responsible for the accident if he or she is:
      • Under 21 years of age, or
      • Known to be “habitually addicted” to alcohol.
    • It can be difficult to hold third parties accountable for drunk driving accidents under the dram shop law. That is why it is so important to have an experienced drunk driving accident lawyer on your side from the beginning.
  • How can a lawyer help me with my drunk driving accident?
    • Pursuing damages after a drunk driving accident can be difficult without experienced legal representation. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, our drunk driving accident lawyers can handle every aspect of your case, including:
      • Collecting police records that prove the other driver’s level of intoxication.
      • Gathering evidence, including witness statements and medical records.
      • Investigating the accident, including how, why, and where it happened.
      • Negotiating with the insurance company on your behalf.
      • Pursuing punitive damages in addition to other compensation.
    • From the moment we take on your case, we will do everything we can to maximize your chances of getting the money you deserve. Call us today.

Drunk Driving and DUI Accidents