If you have been injured in an accident, you are not alone. You may be out of work, experiencing accident-related anxiety, or facing costly car or medical bills.


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Auto Accidents

After an auto accident, not only can you and your family suffer serious injuries, but your vehicle also may need expensive repairs. These factors can lead to lost wages, medical bills, and sleepless nights worrying about how you are going to pay for it all.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we can help alleviate some of this suffering so you can concentrate on getting better. Our auto accident lawyers have helped countless innocent victims of car accidents move forward with their lives, and we will do everything we can to help you, too.

Defective Products

Consumer Alerts

When defective medical devices or pharmaceutical drugs cause harm to large groups of people, the Birmingham injury lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers pursue legal claims—or mass torts—to help victims get compensation for their suffering.

Or perhaps, your doctor prescribed a drug and you expected it to help you get better. But some prescription drugs use contaminated ingredients or have inadequate warning labels about the side effects and health conditions they may cause. When drug manufacturers use contaminated ingredients or do not warn patients about the dangers of their drugs, they can be held liable for damages.

Consumer reports inform people about these potentially harmful drugs and defective products.. We believe that consumer alerts give power back to the people instead of the corporations that make unsafe products.

Unpaid Wages

Employment Disputes

Have you been working more than 40 hours a week, but not getting paid for overtime? Or perhaps, you did not get paid for all the hours you worked. This could happen because you have been asked to work off-the-clock or your time sheet has been altered. These sort of things happen all the time. Our Employment Attorneys have help clients get the money they missed out on and more. Don’t wait and contact us now to see if you have a case.

Personal Injury

Award Winning Attorneys

Not all personal injury law firms are the same. Find out why people in the Birmingham, Alabama area are choosing Roll Tide Injury Lawyers.

We Want To Help

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we understand the impact an accident or injury of any kind can have on your life, today and into the future. Our attorneys focus solely on personal injury law, and employ their years of experience to obtain favorable outcomes and resolution for our Birmingham clients.

Don’t let this single event overwhelm your life. We can help—whether you’ve been involved in an auto accident or through the negligence of an animal or property owner; or experiencing additional hardship as a result of lost wages, denied benefits, or rejected insurance claims. Don’t settle for less by battling the insurance companies on your own.

Count on our legal team to fight for you. Let us focus on getting you the money you need … so you can focus on getting better.

What Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Can Do For You

Whether you are dealing with a car accident, or wage and hour dispute, getting compensation for your claim can be difficult or even impossible without a skilled Birmingham personal injury lawyer at your side.

Our commitment to providing high-quality legal service means we will go the extra mile to:

  • Answer any questions or concerns you have about the legal process
  • Give your case the attention it needs
  • Keep you informed of the progress we are making on your case
  • Take the time to connect with you and your family on a personal level

When you get Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, you will get an experienced law firm that knows how to get results for clients like you. Do not wait another day to take action on your claim—call us today.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor Vehicle Accidents

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we understand that a motor vehicle accident can irreparably alter your life.

Your immediate concerns may have been on your physical well-being or the condition of your car; and you may not have considered what happens after the accident … You may experience a significant amount of stress as a result of costly car repairs, medical bills, or the frustration of dealing with your insurance carrier. If you sustained injuries in the crash, you may also find yourself unable to work. This situation can quickly overwhelm your life.

You are not alone. Contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers now for a free consultation. With Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, you can expect: Care. Quality. Respect.

Our auto accident attorneys have handled motor vehicle accident cases of all kinds; and are prepared to meet the challenges presented by your unique case with knowledge and experience. Contact us if you’ve been involved in any of these common types of accidents:

  • Auto
  • Pedestrian
  • Motorcycle
  • Bicycle
  • Tractor-trailer
  • Drunk driving
  • Boating

We have helped many innocent, injured victims get their lives back—and we’re ready to fight for you. As your advocate, we will take time to listen and understand the circumstances of your accident, the extent of your injuries, and how your life has been impacted by this event.

Then, as you rebuild your life, you can feel confident that you are never alone in the process. We are dedicated to keeping you informed of your case’s progress, and will do our best to answer any questions you may have along the way.

Whether you were injured while driving, riding a bike, or walking, our dedicated personal injury lawyers know the complex Alabama motor vehicle accident claim laws; and will work to get you the compensation you deserve.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, don’t wait. Contact us now so we can start working to get you the money you deserve.

Call Roll Tide Injury Lawyers now: 205-851-1168

What Can You Expect with Roll Tide Injury Lawyers?

Care. Quality. Respect.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, our auto accident attorneys do more than simply review your auto accident case.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, our approach to helping our many Birmingham auto accident clients comes down to three simple words: care, quality, and respect. Your car accident injuries can have a huge impact on your life, so we do more than simply review your case; we make you a priority. We do this by taking the time to listen and understand the circumstances of your accident, the extent of your injuries, and how this single event has impacted your life and your livelihood.

And because no two car accidents are the same, our approach to your case—including our planning, investigation, and various strategies—is always as unique as you are. Still, our specialized car accident lawyers have handled every kind of car accidents case imaginable, so there are no case challenges that we won’t be able to resolve in your favor.

Auto Accidents

Auto Insurance FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Automotive Insurance

Like so many things in our fast paced world, the ins and outs of insurance coverage can be a very convoluted and intricate subject. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we’d like to help answer ten of the most fundamental questions most people have regarding automotive insurance.

Q: What does auto insurance cover?

A: Automotive insurance covers you, your vehicle, and claims or damages that are related to an accident.

Q: Are there different types of insurance coverage?

A: Yes, there are different types of insurance coverage. Some of these types include: Bodily Liability, Property Damage Liability, Comprehensive, Collision, and Uninsured and Underinsured.

Q: Is auto insurance mandatory?

A: Yes, automotive insurance is mandatory in every state.

Q: What happens if I don’t have auto insurance?

A: If you get in an accident and you’re uninsured, you could be fined.

Q: How long does it take to file a claim?

A: Filing a claim with your insurance agent takes very little time.

Q: When should I file?

A: Whenever there has been significant damage to your vehicle or any other vehicle involved in a collision, the accident must be reported.

Q: What happens with a property damage claim?

A: It can be difficult to get a clear picture of what is going to happen to your car after it is damaged in a collision.

Q: When can an auto insurance company deny your claims?

A: They can deny your claim for a variety of reasons set out in your individual insurance policy if they have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you were driving recklessly or lied about accident damages.

Q: What happens when my car is totaled?

A: When your wrecked car is beyond repair, the insurance company will consider it a total loss. They will then pay you for the vehicle’s estimated value. However, the estimated value may be less than the loan amount for a new car, meaning you will have to pay the difference.

Q: What if my insurance company offers me a settlement?

A: Never forget that insurance companies are in business to make a profit. This means that it is in their best interest to get you to accept quick settlements that are often insufficient to pay for all your damages. It is wise to take your time in considering an insurance company’s offer, especially if it is offered quickly. This is where the right attorney can be very helpful.

Although your auto insurance company may not always be helpful after an auto accident, Alabama law requires that you carry insurance for any four-wheeled vehicle that you own and operate. If you are involved in a car wreck where someone is injured and you do not have insurance, you can face stiff penalties.

Alabama insurance laws are complex. The level of coverage you need depends on many different circumstances, and sometimes you may not realize your coverage is lacking until after the accident. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, auto accident lawyers are familiar with car insurance laws in the state, and we can help you after your accident—just dial 205-851-1168 or fill out a free initial consultation form.

Types of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Claims

Many passengers and drivers do not fully comprehend the many instances where uninsured and underinsured motorist claims can arise. This is why it is important to contact an auto accident attorney to fully understand your rights as a motorists.

Uninsured motorist coverage can apply to a variety of situations including but not limited to the following:

  • Possible if you are a pedestrian that is struck by a car with a driver who lacks the appropriate amount of coverage;
  • Can also apply in hit-and-run accidents if there is direct contact between your vehicle and another vehicle;
  • If your vehicle is struck by a driver who does not have enough insurance;
  • If you are riding a bicycle and are hit by a car with a driver who does not have the appropriate amount of insurance coverage;
  • If you are a passenger in another car that is hit by a driver who lacks sufficient insurance.
  • In many cases, a combination of uninsured/underinsured policies may apply to your auto accident case and offer opportunities to help pay your medical bills and pain and suffering.

It’s important that you start a claim soon after your accident as there are time limitations on how long you have to file a claim. If you wish to discuss your accident with a car accident lawyer in Birmingham, AL, contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers now. If we handle your case, we only get paid if you do.

Call the auto accidents attorneys at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers now for a FREE consultation at 205-851-1168, or fill out our online form.

Insurance May Cover You, Even With An Uninsured Driver

If you were hit by a driver without insurance in an at-fault state, you may think you are out of luck — unable to collect any settlement at all. But before you give up, you should always call an experienced personal injury lawyer. The experienced personal injury lawyer is sure to look at all possibilities for insurance coverage, including insurance covering the driver, the vehicle’s owner, and any user given permission to use the vehicle, as well as a client’s own insurance coverage, before giving up.

In one case, a law firm was able to help a distraught woman who was hit by an uninsured driver in an at-fault state. This driver was clearly at fault for the accident. In fact, he said at the scene that he knew he was at fault, but had no insurance to pay for the damage. The client had purchased collision coverage only, thinking she was doing the smart thing by saving money. Because neither driver had any insurance that applied to the crash, this woman thought she was out of luck. Still, she called a law firm, which agreed to take her case.

After investigating the facts, the law firm discovered that the at-fault driver was driving his girlfriend’s mother’s vehicle — with the permission of his girlfriend, to run an errand. Also, as it turned out, the mother and daughter had an agreement that the daughter could borrow her mother’s car as needed from time to time. That meant the at-fault driver was a “permissive user” could borrow her mother’s car as needed from time to time. That meant the at-fault driver was a “permissive user” under the policy — someone who has permission to drive the car — which meant that he was covered by the mother’s liability insurance. In most states, liability coverage will cover permissive users of an insured automobile. This was true even though the driver of both vehicles involved in the accident were personally uninsured.

This scenario is actually quite common. Although laws in almost every state require all drivers to have liability insurance, many violate the law. An experienced personal injury lawyer may be able to help by searching thoroughly for an applicable insurance policy covering any party involved in the accident.

Do I Need Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

As auto accident lawyers, we know that insurance companies do not always play by the rules—and they may deny you money when you need it the most. It is our goal to level the playing field and fight for your rights to compensation. To get the experienced legal team at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers on your side, contact us today.

Bicycle Accident & Injury

Bicycle Accident & Injury

In Alabama alone, there were 930 bicycle accidents in 2019.  [Source: “Alabama Department of Transportation. 2019 Crash Facts”] If you’ve been hurt in a bicycle accident, you may be facing any number of challenges, including pain and suffering, lost wages, and costly medical bills as a result of your injuries.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we understand just how devastating a bicycle accident can be. Contact us now for a free consultation. Our bicycle accident attorney will work to build the strongest claim possible to help you get the compensation you are owed…and to help you get your life back.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

We recognize that even a highly experienced bicyclist can be involved in a serious crash. In addition to unpredictable traffic conditions, cyclists face a number of dangers on the road, including:

  • Failure to Yield When Entering the Roadway: It’s the law: Motorists must yield to oncoming traffic—including bicyclists—when exiting a driveway, alley, or parking lot.
  • Passing Without Maintaining a Safe Distance: Alabama law requires that motorists leave a safe distance when passing cyclists.
  • Right Turn Collisions: Motorists must signal before turning. Collisions often occur when motorists fail to signal before turning, or make sudden turns across cyclists’ lanes of travel—even in the presence of a bicycle lane.
  • Road Hazards: Potholes, broken pavement, or construction debris all pose a serious danger to bicyclists. These, and other dangerous road conditions, oftentimes cause a cyclist to lose control of his or her bicycle. The party or parties responsible for the maintenance of an area where an accident occurred may be held legally responsible for damages.

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, through no fault of your own, you may be entitled compensation. Our experienced bicycle accident lawyers will review the details of your claim and will work to protect your legal rights and obtain the outcome you deserve.

Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident

Injured in a Motorcycle Accident? Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Accident Attorneys Can Help.

With its year-round sunshine and warm weather, there are few places better suited for motorcyclists than Alabama. But no matter where you ride, there are risks every time you head out on the open road. Even minor accidents may lead to serious injuries causing permanent pain, disability, and life-threatening complications.

If you have a motorcycle accident, you may be out of work for a long time and struggling to pay for your medical treatment. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, our motorcycle accident lawyers will do everything we can to help you get the resolution you deserve. Just dial 205-851-1168 or fill out a free initial consultation form.

How Our Accident Lawyers Can Help Claim Damages

In the hours and days after your motorcycle accident, you may be confused and unsure of what to do next. Call Roll Tide Injury Lawyers—our motorcycle accident lawyers will begin building your case immediately. When you call us, you can count on our legal team to:

  • Handle the Paperwork: Filing a legal claim after an accident involves a lot of paperwork—but when you call us, we will help take care of all the forms so you can concentrate on getting better.
  • Secure Evidence: We will investigate the crash scene and gather evidence related to the accident. In the process, our attorneys will do our best to determine who or what—including defective road designs or street signs—caused your accident.
  • Negotiate with the Insurance Company: Our legal team will fight to make sure the insurance company respects your rights and gives you the compensation you need to move on with your life.

Not only will our law firm do our best to get you compensation, but we also will stand by your side every step of the way—even if your case goes to trial. Do not try to handle your case on your own. Get experienced and professional legal help from Roll Tide Injury Lawyers.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian Accidents

Injured in a Pedestrian Accident? Pedestrian Accident Lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Can Help.

A chilling statistic:

Alabama reported more pedestrian fatalities than many other U.S. states in 2019. [U.S. Department of Transportation / National Highway Traffic Safety Administration –  2019 Pedestrians Traffic Safety Fact Sheet – 2021.] Even when a fatality does not occur, a pedestrian accident can be devastating. If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, you may have physical injuries ranging from sprains and fractures to multi-organ trauma or even serious brain injury . You may also face prolonged emotional distress as a result of this traumatic experience. Both physical and emotional injuries can lead to lost wages, medical bills, or insurance claim disputes.

If you are a victim of a pedestrian accident in Alabama, or have lost a loved one as a result of a pedestrian accident, get the resolution you deserve. Contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers now for a free consultation.

The pedestrian accident lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers are experienced advocates for the rights of pedestrian accident victims in Birmingham and the surrounding area.

We understand the many complex pedestrian traffic laws, and have the experience necessary to help determine who holds the legal responsibility in a pedestrian accident.

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

If you have been injured by a motor vehicle, a Roll Tide Injury Lawyers pedestrian accident lawyer can help you understand your legal options.

Several common factors contribute to pedestrian accidents, including:

  • Failure to Yield at an Intersection or Crosswalk: As a pedestrian, you have the right of way at intersections, driveways, and legal crosswalks. Drivers who do not exercise care at these locations run the risk of endangering or injuring pedestrians.
  • Reversing into a Pedestrian: Parking lot pedestrian injuries are not uncommon. These accident often occur when a driver backs out of a parking space and is distracted, doesn’t check for pedestrians while reversing, or simply doesn’t see a pedestrian while backing up.
  • Passing a Vehicle Stopped at a Crosswalk: Some accidents occur when many pedestrians would least expect it—while crossing a legal crosswalk in front of a stopped vehicle. These accidents occur as a result of drivers approaching from behind the stopped vehicle who may not see the pedestrians crossing the street.

Birmingham Truck Accident & Injury Lawyer

Truck Accident & Injury

The trucking companies that send out the big trucks to deliver goods across the nation’s highways and interstates are extremely vital to our economy. It would be very difficult, not to mention inconvenient, if the trucking industry did not make deliveries to stores and restaurants so we could purchase the things that are necessary to maintain or enhance our quality of life. These trucks—many weighing in excess of 5 tons, especially when fully loaded —share the same roads traveled by all drivers, including motorcycles and other motor vehicles; but are much heavier and more difficult to maneuver than automobiles and motorcycles. Unfortunately, truck accidents happen all too frequently, leaving accident victims to pick up the pieces of their lives and carry on in the best way that they can. A car accident involving an 18 wheeler can be very serious, and even deadly, and truck accident lawyers are necessary to help victims navigate the pitfalls of a personal injury lawsuit. In fact, more than 100,000 people are injured (and close to 4,000 killed) in truck collisions each year. [Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “Traffic Safety Facts, 2012 Data: Large Trucks,” DOT HS 811 868,, revised May 2014. Accessed November 2014.]

If you have been injured in a trucking accident, you may be owed monetary compensation for your injuries, car or truck repairs, and pain and suffering. However, because several parties share responsibility for a single truck—such as the driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturers, and the truck owners—determining who is to blame after trucking accidents can be very difficult and a little confusing so it’s best to consult with a Birmingham truck accident lawyer right away.

We are here to help you—contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation. Our experienced truck accident lawyer can help you get the resolution you deserve for your personal injury, pain and suffering, and property damage. You will have a free case and you will not be required to pay anything unless we win.

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Truck Lawyers—Your Legal Resource for Truck Accidents

A truck collision and tractor-trailer accidents occur for many reasons, including but not limited to the following:

  • Hazardous road conditions
  • Mechanical failure
  • Faulty truck maintenance
  • Truck driver negligence/Driver error
  • Driver fatigue
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Speeding or aggressive driving

[Source:, “Common Causes of Truck Accidents,”, accessed November 2014.]

Many accidents with big rigs occur due to error, negligence, or just sheer exhaustion on the part of the truck drivers; however, that is not always the case. These accidents could happen due to mechanical failure in the truck, which means that the product manufacturer for the part that failed needs to be added to your injury claim. If your loved one has been in a Birmingham truck accident that is due solely to improper truck maintenance then the motor carrier, rather than the truck driver, is definitely at fault. There are state and federal trucking regulations put in place to ensure federal motor carrier safety, that each truck company must follow. When Alabama law or United States federal regulations have not been adhered to by a federal motor carrier, as outlined by the Motor Carrier Safety Administration, then that entity needs to be held accountable if an accident occurs. Our experienced Birmingham truck accident firm will help determine the cause of the accident and ensure that the proper parties are added to the lawsuit filed by injury victims.

Much like airplanes, semi trucks carry a black box which records information while the truck is in use. Information from this recording device is used to help determine what happened in trucking accident cases. No matter what the cause, a Birmingham truck accident can be devastating for the truck accident victims, as well as the truck driver. When you need a personal injury lawyer or a truck accident attorney, Roll Tide Injury Lawyers want to develop a close attorney client relationship with you, guide you through the entire process of your injury claim, and help you achieve the accident resolution which you are seeking.


If you or a family member or loved one has been injured or killed in a commercial truck accident, you can count on the knowledgeable truck accident lawyer of Roll Tide Injury Lawyers.

We know that it can be critical to file personal injury and death claims as possible after the tractor-trailer accident happens. Insurance companies often begin building a case immediately following a truck accident… their accident case is often not in your favor. Because of this, your claim—and any payment from the insurance company for injury, death, medical costs and property damages—could be denied. The longer you wait to file your claim, the more difficult it may be to get the compensation you need for lost wages and costly car repairs and medical expenses due to truck accidents. Many times, there are insurance disputes when a serious truck wreck occurs involving passenger vehicles. When that happens, you definitely will need the assistance of an excellent Birmingham truck accident attorney to guide you through your Birmingham truck accidents lawsuit so you can get the jury verdicts that you need in order to receive compensation from the trucking company and any other entity who may be deemed to be at fault.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to obtain the resolution you are owed for your truck accident case—our Birmingham truck accident lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help protect your right to compensation. Our trucking accident lawyers will give you a free case evaluation and let you know how much you may be able to expect in your settlement negotiations for your accident cases, based on the results of previous successful accident claims, so call us right away!—Roll Tide Injury Lawyers to help you with your accident case.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Types of Injuries after an Auto Accident

Did You Suffer Serious Injuries in an Auto Accident? Call Roll Tide Injury Lawyers.

Whether it is a high-speed interstate collision or a fender bender in stop and go traffic, all auto accidents can result in injuries for both drivers and passengers. While some car crash victims may walk away from accidents with just minor scrapes and bruises, others may suffer serious injuries that are life changing and require immediate medical attention.

No matter what type of injury you suffered in your auto accident, the legal team at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers has the resources and the experience to help you. Our auto accident lawyers know the difficulties you are facing, and we will do everything we can to help you get your life back. Contact us at 205-851-1168 or fill out a free initial consultation form.

Common Types of Injuries

The speed, weight, and momentum in auto accidents can cause a wide variety of injuries affecting almost every part of the body. The most common types of auto accident injuries include:

  • Back and Neck Injuries – The back and neck are vulnerable to injury during an auto accident, which can lead to bulging or herniated discs, pulled muscles and ligaments, and whiplash.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries – Rollover accidents, head-on collisions, and other types of car, motorcycle, pedestrian, and truck accidents often can cause spinal cord injuries in auto accident victims. Some victims may experience partial or complete paralysis as a result of these injuries.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) – While safety features such as seat-belts and airbags can help reduce the risk of traumatic brain injuries, the outcome is still far too common. When the extreme force of a car accident impacts the brain, one can be left with severe damage, swelling, and even hemorrhaging.
  • Burn Injuries – Many Alabama car accidents can lead to serious burns due to metal, steam, fire or even dangerous chemicals. Car accident burn injuries often leave people in extreme pain and sometimes permanently disfigured.
  • Facial Injuries – Facial injuries are unfortunately a tragic outcome of many Alabama car accidents. These injuries are not only physically disfiguring but they are also emotionally taxing and even with reconstructive surgery can be difficult to recover from.
  • Loss of Limbs – Though not as common as many of the other injuries, this disfiguring car accident injury creates a lifelong disability. Many people who suffer from traumatic amputation are left with the mental and physical anguish long after the car accident itself.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we know that not all auto accident injuries are obvious right away. In fact, some injuries may be internal and could go unnoticed for days or weeks after the accident, only to cause extreme pain and disability weeks later. That is why it is so important to seek medical attention immediately after your accident, even if you do not think you were seriously injured.

You Are Hurt – We Can Help
Personal Injury

Damages & Compensation in a Personal Injury Case

The cost of your injuries can be difficult to estimate because no two auto accident cases are exactly alike. To calculate the damages or the amount of compensation the injured party may receive, a jury will take into account many factors including the costs incurred and the pain suffering.

  • The direct financial cost or out-of-pocket cost
    • The direct damages are the specific and general damages related to the accident including:
    • Lost wages
    • Loss of earning capacity
    • Property Loss
    • Cost of medical bills
  • Pain and suffering, emotional damages, and other indirect damages are harder to predict because they do not have a monetary value assigned to them, making it more a difficult and subjective task. They include:
    • Pain and Suffering
    • Emotional Distress
    • Inability to conceive due to accident-related injuries
    • Loss of relationships
    • Loss of limbs or extremities

In extreme cases where the defendant was grossly negligent and put lives at risk, a judge may allow a victim to seek punitive damages as a form of punishment for the offending party. However, Alabama law makes it almost impossible to recover them.

How Much To Expect From a Car Accident Settlement?

Your auto accident injuries can have a huge impact on your life. Not only is it difficult for you to return to work, you also may need months of expensive medical treatment that you cannot afford. This can be a frightening time, but you do not have to deal with it alone. Our auto accident lawyers will fight to get you the compensation you deserve for your accident-related expenses. Call us now at 205-851-1168 or complete our FREE consultation form.

When to File an Auto Accident Claim

There Is No Time to Waste After Your Accident—Call Roll Tide Injury Lawyers

If you’ve been in an accident, the clock is ticking to file a claim for damages. And, if you wait too long, you could lose out on the money you deserve for your medical care, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other expenses.

Let’s talk about when you should file an accident claim and how Roll Tide Injury Lawyers might be able to help.

In Alabama, there are time limits for filing an injury claim.

Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

Do Not Talk to the Insurance Adjuster — Talk to Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Instead

After your auto accident, all you want is for you and your family to get better. But in the days or even hours after the accident occurred, you may be contacted by an adjuster who works for the insurance company. The adjuster may use tactics to get you to admit you were at fault for the accident, which means the insurance company can avoid paying you for your damages.

The auto accident lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers know that insurance adjusters have one job: to pay you as a little as possible—or in some cases nothing at all—for your accident. Insurance companies rely on profits, but our legal team can turn the tables on them. If you have been in an auto accident, call us at 205-851-1168 or fill out a free initial consultation form.

Be Careful When Speaking to the Adjuster

The best thing to do when you get a call from the insurance adjuster about your injury claim is to simply hang up. The longer the adjuster keeps you on the line, the more likely he will gain evidence to use against your claim. If you do talk to the adjuster, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Do not volunteer information. Stick to the facts. If you volunteer too much information, the adjuster may be able to twist your words into a statement that looks like you admitted guilt for the accident.
  • Do be honest about your injuries. You may be tempted to describe your injuries as being worse than they actually are. It is important to be honest about your condition, as any exaggeration can be harmful for your case.
  • Do not talk about your medical records. Adjusters are known to search through accident victims’ past medical records to find evidence of pre-existing conditions or injuries. Never admit to any prior conditions and do not discuss any of your medical records.

The more straightforward, honest, and concise you are with your answers, the better. But remember, in many cases, speaking to the adjuster is a no-win situation—you could have everything to lose and nothing to gain.

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Can Protect You

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we are familiar with insurance adjusters’ tactics. Do not try to deal with the insurance company on your own—let us put our years of experience to work as we build a strong case for you.


Alabama’s Laws Regarding Cell Phones & Distracted Driving

In recent years, many states have enacted a number of laws meant to combat the increased number of distracted driving incidents, by placing specific limits on the usage of electronic devices while driving.

Cell Phones

Surprisingly enough, there are currently no statewide laws in Alabama prohibiting the driver of a passenger car from talking on cell phones while driving. It’s totally legal for drivers to make and answer calls, use handheld devices or use their vehicle’s integrated hands-free system. However, while it is permitted for adults to hold their cell phones and chat while driving, drivers under the age of 18 cannot. In fact, teens aren’t allowed to use their phones at all while driving, and includes sending and receiving text messages, emails or making or receiving phone calls.


State law forbids drivers from texting, e-mailing, or instant messaging while driving. Any driver may legally use their phone to text in the following circumstances: contacting emergency services, when legally parked or pulled over on the shoulder of the road or while using a pre-programmed GPS.

Furthermore, if a police officer spots you texting and driving behind the wheel, you can be pulled over and issued a citation. Texting while driving is considered a primary offense, meaning you don’t need to be doing anything besides texting and driving to get pulled over.

Truck and Bus Drivers

As you might expect, commercial truck drivers and bus drivers are held to a higher standard than the typical driver of a passenger car, and the laws are much tougher in this case. Truck and bus drivers are only allowed to use wireless devices if they are hands-free. Should they violate that law, they can find themselves facing charges if found using a handheld device.

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of a distracted driving accident, Roll Tide Injury Lawyers is here to help. We’ve been helping victims of auto accidents across Alabama for many years, and through careful examination of the evidence, we can help determine if a driver was illegally texting at the time of your accident. Let us put our expertise and dedication to work for you. Give us a call today.


Drunk Driving and DUI Accidents

Drunk Driving & DUI Accidents

During their lifetime, two out of three people will be involved in a drunk driving accident. [Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “The Economic and Societal Impact Of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2010.” National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, May 2014, DOT HS 812 013. Accessed November 2014 at]

A driver under the influence of alcohol can cause a serious, or even deadly, accident. Even after consuming just a small amount of alcohol, a driver can engage in risk-taking behavior behind the wheel; and may experience impaired judgment, dulled reflexes, and blurred vision.

If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident, you understand the lifelong impact one person’s decision to drink and drive can have on others. We do, too. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we have zero tolerance for drunk drivers.

You may have sustained serious physical or emotional injuries; and may be unable to work as a result of someone else’s poor judgment. In addition to lost wages, you may also find yourself with a number of bills—including those for emergency room and doctor’s visits, physical therapy, or expensive car repairs. As you struggle with the continued physical and financial repercussions of the drunk driving accident, you may even feel re-victimized.

Take your life back—contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers now for a free consultation. Our drunk driving accident lawyers will do everything in their power to hold that person accountable for your pain and suffering, and to get you the compensation you deserve.

Count on Roll Tide Injury Lawyers to Help You Resolve Your Drunk Driving Claim

Don’t try to deal with the aftermath of this traumatic event on your own—what it takes to navigate the time-consuming and sometimes confusing accident-related paperwork.

Count on us to:

  • Collect evidence from the crash scene to investigate whether the accident occurred as a result of the other driver’s impairment, and to help determine the driver’s degree of intoxication and level of responsibility for the crash.
  • Help resolve your personal injury claim. Our drunk driving accident lawyers can help ensure that the necessary paperwork and other requirements are completed correctly and within the determined time frame.
  • Calculate your current and future accident-related expenses. Drunk driving accidents can have long-lasting effects on your physical, emotional, and financial well-being. Our drunk driving attorneys will help you determine the amount you will need to cover the costs of your vehicle repairs, medical bills, and lost wages.

If you, or a loved one, have been injured in a drunk driving accident, get Roll Tide Injury Lawyers on your side today.

Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death

Trusted Wrongful Death Attorneys in Alabama

The unexpected loss of a loved one is both shocking and painful; the heartbreak only worsened upon learning that this tragedy was caused by the negligence of another person or organization. Surviving dependents, including a spouse or children, may also face significant financial difficulties.

If you have lost a family member due to the negligence of another person or organization, you may be entitled to compensation. If this negligence resulted from an action that any reasonable person could have and should have avoided, you may have cause to file a wrongful death claim. It is essential that you speak with an experienced wrongful death attorney to understand your rights and recourse under the law.

Some common types of wrongful death claims include:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents – If your loved one—as a motorist, pedestrian, or bicyclist—was killed in a motor vehicle accident, the driver at fault may be held liable for the death.
  • Hospital or Medical Staff Negligence –You may be entitled to compensation if your family member died in surgery, as the result of receiving the wrong treatment in an emergency room, or because of a doctor’s misdiagnosis.
  • Product Defects – Did your loved one die as a result of a faulty product? The manufacturer may be held liable for their negligence—whether the death was the result of faulty construction, poor design, or even unreported, serious safety issues in a well-designed, high-quality product.
  • Dangerous Medication Side Effects – You may be able to file a wrongful death claim if your loved one was killed as a result of taking medication without first being told of dangerous side effects.

It is important to understand that in the case of a car accident, medical malpractice, or any event resulting in death, negligence may not be involved… Deadly accidents occur every day; and sometimes no one is to blame. However, the way in which an accidental death relates to the legal framework of wrongful death can be complex; and may require a knowledgeable attorney to determine whether there is a case for wrongful death.

If you have lost a loved one as the result of someone else’s negligence, contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation. Our experienced and compassionate wrongful death lawyers can determine whether another’s negligence caused your family member’s death; and will fight to get the resolution you deserve.

Wrongful Death FAQs

The lawyers of Roll Tide Injury Lawyers understand the complex wrongful death laws. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions on wrongful death. While the information contained here provides a general overview of wrongful death claims, you should meet with an attorney to gain an accurate view of your legal rights or available recourse in your unique situation.

Who can bring a wrongful death claim?

A. A number of people my file a wrongful death claim. However, the identification of those holding legal standing to bring a claim depends upon the facts of each case, but usually a claim can be brought by a spouse or family members.

In every state of the union, legal claimants include the surviving spouse and any surviving children; or, in the case of an unmarried Decedent, one or both parents.

Who can be sued for a wrongful death?

A. The party at fault can be an individual; a business; or a federal, state, county, or municipal government agency. The key component to bringing a wrongful death claim is the existence of a negligent act that caused the person’s death … Or, that something should have been done that any reasonable person would have done in the same situation.

Who cannot be sued for a wrongful death?

A. Even when it seems there is a clear case of wrongful death, it is entirely possible that the individual who caused the death is immune from a wrongful death claim. This can occur when certain types of government employees or government agencies are involved—federal laws continually change, and laws vary from state to state. A wrongful death attorney can help you determine whether the individual or entity can be held responsible for the death of your loved one.

Is there a statute of limitations for filing a wrongful death claim?

A. Yes. The law limits the time in which those who have legal standing to file a wrongful death claim can do so. This is referred to as the statute of limitations.

What are the damages that can be claimed?

A. Alabama is unique in that the only claim for damages in a wrongful death action is for punitive damages.

Trip and Fall Accidents

Trip and Fall Accidents

Your Trip and Fall Accident Lawyer in Alabama

Property and business owners and managers have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of walking surfaces. Yet, accidental injuries sustained in falls account for millions of emergency room visits each year and serious injury—many caused by unsafe walking conditions, including uneven surfaces, improper stairs, improperly placed floor mats, broken or uneven steps, cluttered walkways, or unsteady walking surfaces.

If you tripped and fell on someone else’s property as a result of their negligence, the property owner may be liable for your injury-related damages.

If you have been injured in a trip and fall accident, you may have sustained injuries ranging from sprains or bruises to broken bones, brain injury, or even paralysis. You may have received emergency medical care; or you may need ongoing, costly medical treatments. As a result of the trip or fall, you may be out of work; and, as a result of these lost wages, unable to pay growing medical bills.

Our Accidents Lawyers Can Help You to Prove a Trip & Fall Case

Proving a Trip and Fall Case

From time to time, we all trip and fall down. And if you are injured from a fall that takes place on someone else’s property, you may well have a trip and fall case. Yes, the property or business owner may be at fault, but how do you go about proving it? To begin with, your attorneys need the right information.

In the end, it will all come down to whether there was a dangerous condition on the property that a reasonable property or business owner could have addressed prior to your accident. Let’s examine these two terms more closely.

Defining a “Dangerous Condition”

To be considered a dangerous condition, the situation in question must be an anomalous condition creating a risk of injury to those on the property, and must be one that a reasonable person would not expect to encounter. To put it another way, a dangerous condition is not an obvious, avoidable danger.

Examples of dangerous conditions that could lead to a trip and fall include:

  • Spills on the floor of a supermarket that should have been cleaned up
  • Faulty stairs in a movie theater that should have been maintained and repaired
  • Damaged or uneven sidewalks caused by improper design or maintenance
  • Uneven surfaces
  • Inadequate lighting in public areas leading to tripping hazards
  • Hotel showers with improper drainage or that do not have anti-slip tape

Defining “Reasonable Property Owners”

As mentioned above, not only do successful trip and fall cases depend upon dangerous conditions, they also require proof that the property or business owner did not act as a reasonable property or business owner should. When it comes to the possibility of dangerous conditions, a reasonable property or business owner always has a plan in place, a plan to competently protect one from getting hurt. A negligent property or business owner, however, fails to do this, creating a condition for possible injuries, and leaving themselves vulnerable to possibly paying for another’s medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Taking all this into consideration, the lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers will do their due diligence in seeking answers to the following questions as they investigate your trip and fall claim:

  • Did the dangerous area exist long enough for the property owner to be aware of it?
  • Is there a standard procedure in place for examining the premises, and does the owner have proof of this procedure?
  • Was there a legitimate reason for the area to be dangerous, such as an uneven or slippery floor?
  • If there is a reason for the area to be dangerous, was there any way to make it safer?
  • If an object was responsible for the trip and fall, was there anywhere else the object could have been placed to make the location in question safer?
  • Could a warning sign or barrier have been created to prevent injury?

Was the Law Violated by the Property or Business Owners

If your injury stems from a property or business owner’s neglect, such as the owner or business failing to follow local building codes, an experienced attorney could use that to prove negligence. For example, local building codes could dictate where railings and other safety features must be installed. If you fell and were injured due to a lack of appropriate railings, you could have a claim.

A Case of Your Own Carelessness

From the very beginning of the trip and fall case process, you must determine whether your carelessness contributed to the accident. This is where the rules of contributory negligence come into play.

Below you will find some questions to ask yourself regarding your own behavior. It would be wise to be prepared for an insurance adjuster to ask you these questions after you file your claim. They almost certainly will.

  • Did you have an appropriate reason for being where you were when the accident occurred? And is this reason something the owner should have anticipated?
  • Would a normally careful person have noticed the hazardous area and avoided it, or walked carefully enough as to not trip?
  • Were there any warnings or indications that the area might be unsafe?

Were you engaged in any type of behavior or activity that could have distracted you from paying appropriate attention to where you were going? Were you running, jumping, or engaged in any kind of tomfoolery that would have made the accident more likely?

Don’t worry. You don’t have to prove to the insurance adjuster that you were being careful, but do think about what you were doing and the time of the accident, and describe it clearly so that he or she will understand that you were not acting in a careless manner.

If you or someone you care about was injured in a trip and fall accident, we can help. Please contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.

If your accident was the result of someone else’s negligence, the knowledgeable trip and fall accident attorneys of Roll Tide Injury Lawyers will do everything we can to hold that person responsible for your injury. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Slip and Fall Accident

Slip and Fall Accident

Your Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer in Alabama

Property owners and managers have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of walking surfaces. Yet, accidental injuries sustained in falls account for close to nine-million emergency room visits each year—many caused by unsafe walking conditions, including wet or slippery floors, broken or uneven steps, cluttered walkways, or unsteady walking surfaces. [Source: National Safety Council, NSC Injury Facts 2011,, accessed November 2014.]

If you slipped and fell on someone else’s property as a result of their negligence, the property owner could be liable for your injury-related expenses.

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, you may have sustained injuries ranging from sprains or bruises to broken bones, brain injury, or even paralysis. You may have received emergency medical care; or you may need ongoing, costly medical treatments. As a result of the slip or fall, you may be out of work; and, as a result of these lost wages, unable to pay growing medical bills.

Our Fall Accidents Lawyer Can Help You to Prove a Slip and Fall Case

Proving a Slip and Fall Case

From time to time, we all slip and fall down. And if you are injured from a fall that takes place on someone else’s property, through no fault of your own, you may very well have a strong slip and fall case. Yes, the property owner may be a fault, but how do you go about proving it? To begin with, your attorneys need the right information.

In the end, it will all come down to whether there was a dangerous condition on the property that a reasonable property owner could have addressed prior to your accident. Let’s examine these two terms more closely.

Defining a “Dangerous Condition”

To be considered a dangerous condition, the situation in question must be an anomalous condition creating a risk of injury to those on the property, and must be one that a reasonable person would not expect to encounter. To put it another way, a dangerous condition is not an obvious, avoidable danger.

Examples of dangerous conditions that could lead to a slip and fall include:

  • Spills on the floor of a supermarket that should have been cleaned up
  • Faulty stairs in a movie theater that should have been maintained and repaired
  • Damaged or uneven sidewalks caused by improper design or maintenance
  • Inadequate lighting in public areas leading to tripping hazards
  • Hotel showers with improper drainage or that do not have anti-slip tape

Defining “Reasonable Property Owners”

As mentioned above, not only do successful slip and fall cases depend upon dangerous conditions, they also require proof that the property owner did not act as a reasonable property owner should. When it comes to the possibility of dangerous conditions, a reasonable property owner always has a plan in place, a plan to competently and meticulously ensure that no one gets injured. A negligent property owner, however, fails to do this, opening the door for possible injuries, and leaving themselves vulnerable to possibly paying for another’s medical bills and lost wages.

Taking all this into consideration, the lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers will do their due diligence in seeking answers to the following questions as they investigate your slip and fall claim:

  • Did the dangerous area exist long enough for the property owner to be aware of it?
  • Is there a standard procedure in place for examining the premises, and does the owner have proof of this procedure?
  • Was there a legitimate reason for the area to be dangerous, such as a slippery floor?
  • If there is a reason for the area to be dangerous, was there any way to make it safer?
  • If an object was responsible for the slip, trip, or fall, was there anywhere else the object could have been placed to make the location in question safer?
  • Could a warning sign or barrier have been created to prevent injury?

Was the Law Violated by the Property Owners

If your injury stems from a property owner’s neglect, such as the owner failing to follow local building codes, an experienced attorney could use that to prove negligence. For example, local building codes could dictate where railings and other safety features must be installed. If you fell and were injured due to a lack of appropriate railings, you could have a claim.

A Case of Your Own Carelessness

From the very beginning of the slip and fall case process, you must determine whether your carelessness contributed to the accident. This is where the rules of contributory negligence come into play.

Below you will find some questions to ask yourself regarding your own behavior. It would be wise to be prepared for an insurance adjuster to ask you these questions after you file your claim. They almost certainly will.

  • Did you have an appropriate reason for being where you were when the accident occurred? And is this reason something the owner should have anticipated?
  • Would a normally careful person have noticed the hazardous area and avoided it, or walked carefully enough as to not slip?
  • Were there any warnings or indications that the area might be unsafe?

Were you engaged in any type of behavior or activity that could have distracted you from paying appropriate attention to where you were going? Were you running, jumping, or engaged in any kind of tomfoolery that would have made the accident more likely?

Don’t worry. You don’t have to prove to the insurance adjuster that you were being careful, but do think about what you were doing and the time of the accident, and describe it clearly so that he or she will understand that you were not acting in a careless manner.

If you or someone you care about was injured in a slip and fall accident, we can help. Please contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.

If your accident was the result of someone else’s negligence, the knowledgeable slip and fall accident attorneys of Roll Tide Injury Lawyers will do everything we can to hold that person responsible for your injury. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Negligent Security Claim

Negligent Security Claim

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Stands Up to Negligent Business Owners

Did you know that Alabama law can require business and property owners to make sure their customers and visitors are safe? That means, if you were physically harmed at a location—such as an apartment, hotel or motel, shopping center, mall, or other public area—you may have a negligent security claim.

Even if the property owner says he or she was not aware of a particular hazard, the negligent security lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help. We may be able to prove that the owner should have known about and prevented the potential danger.

Business & Property Owner Responsibility

The law states that anyone who invites guests or customers onto his or her property has certain responsibilities for the safety of those people. The duty of care a property owner owes is dependent upon your status as a visitor to their property. Visitors are classified into three categories: Invitee (explicitly invited or entering someone’s land for a commercial endeavor involving the property owner, such as visiting a grocery store, eating in a restaurant, attending a doctor’s appointment), Licensee (entering another person’s land by invitation such as a social guest), or a Trespasser (entering another person’s property without permission). Invitees are owed the highest duty of care and Trespassers are owed the smallest duty of care. In fact, in certain situations, property or business owners have a duty to protect customers from foreseeable criminal acts.

  • Business owners are required, under Alabama law, to be aware of prior crime in the area. When an area has had significant criminal activity in the past, the owner must provide security, such as sufficient lighting.
  • Property owners have a responsibility to ensure that safety hazards are not present on their properties. For example, homeowners who have pools must take steps to prevent children from entering the pool area without adult supervision.

Whether you tripped on a broken step or fell down a poorly lit stairwell, we are here to help you recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, reduced earning capacity, property loss/damage, pain and suffering, and other expenses resulting from someone else’s failure to provide a safe and secure environment.

Alabama Brain Injury Attorneys

Brain Injury

Alabama Brain Injury Attorneys

Each year, approximately 2.5 million Americans are injured or killed as a result of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) (Read more). In fact, TBI— an injury causing a disruption in brain function—accounts for 30% of all injury deaths nationwide. [Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Fact Sheet,”, accessed November 2014, updated June 2014.] Effects of a TBI can range from mild to severe or even deadly, and can cause impairment to thinking, sensation, language, and emotion [Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “What are the Potential Effects of TBI?”, accessed November 2014, updated September 2012.] Consequences of TBI can range from impaired mental capacity to severe physical disabilities, impacting you and your family for the rest of your lives.

If you have sustained a TBI, you may be out of work. As a result, lost wages may prevent you from paying for the medical treatment have received, as well as for any ongoing treatment you require—thus, limiting your ability to recover. The aftermath of a TBI can devastate your life—physically, emotionally, and financially.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we understand the difficult road that lies ahead after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Our experienced brain injury lawyers have helped many TBI victims just like you. Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Personal Injury Attorneys today for a free consultation —we will work to get you the resolution you deserve, so you can focus on your recovery.

Traumatic Brain Injury: Head Injury and Brain Damage

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be caused by a penetrating injury or a closed head injury. [Source: FindLaw, a Thomson Reuters business, “Brain Injury Overview,”, 2013, accessed November 2014.] A penetrating injury occurs at the time of the injury—when a foreign object (such as a bullet, a nail, a car windshield, or the ground) fractures the skull; and is complete following the trauma.

A closed head injury occurs after the trauma, and can be potentially more dangerous than a penetrating injury because of the risk of brain swelling and blood clots. [Source: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, “Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI),”, accessed November 2014.] By the time treatment is administered for this type of secondary injury, it is often too late to reverse the life-altering brain damage.

Brain damage is categorized as either primary or secondary:

  • Primary Brain Damage occurs at the moment of impact. The blow physically damages the brain, potentially tearing or destroying neurons and brain tissue. Side effects are often immediate and the victim may lose consciousness. [Note: much of this left intact.]
  • Secondary Brain Damage occurs after the initial trauma and may cause additional brain damage over a period of hours or days. Swelling and bleeding can increase pressure in the skull and decrease the flow of oxygen to the brain, and can cause serious complications or even death.

If you or a loved one suffered primary or secondary brain damage because of someone else’s careless actions, contact a professional brain injury lawyer from Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Firm today for a free consultation.

Boating Accident

Boating Accident

Hurt in a Boating Accident? Give Roll Tide Injury Lawyers a Call.

With its lakes, rivers and direct Gulf access — Alabama is a boater’s paradise for both recreation and fishing. But that does not mean serious accidents do not happen when boats are operated by people who are intoxicated, distracted, or reckless. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we have helped many victims of boat accidents get the compensation they need for their medical bills, lost wages, and boat repairs. If you were injured in a boating accident that was not your fault, call our boating accident lawyers at 205-851-1168 or fill out a free initial consultation form.

Common Causes of Boating Accidents

Although some boating accidents are unavoidable, many are the result of boat drivers’ negligent—or careless—behavior. The boating accident lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help if your boat accident is the result of a driver who was:

  • Intoxicated: Boat drivers and operators are subject to the same rules as car drivers—including a responsibility to remain sober while behind the wheel.
  • Distracted: With their large seating capacity, open air environment, and recreational capabilities, it is easy for boat drivers to look away or become distracted momentarily, which can lead to serious accidents.
  • Reckless: Just like multi-lane highways, waterways have speed limits, traffic lanes, and right-of-way rules. When drivers disregard these rules, they could collide with other boats or injure passengers in their own boats.

It can sometimes be difficult to prove if a boating accident was caused by someone’s negligence. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, our boating accident lawyers have the knowledge and the resources to determine if the responsible driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, using an electronic device, or speeding when your accident occurred. Get the help you need for your boating accident—call Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today.

Child Injury

Child Injury

We Are Child Injury Lawyers

Negligence that leads to an injury of a child is especially heartbreaking. Roll Tide Injury Lawyers are here to help you. Our birth child injury lawyers know you need the best possible care for your child. So you can get the compensation you deserve to help cover your child’s medical bills for much needed treatment and for pain and suffering we will fight to hold the responsible parties accountable.

We will protect your family’s legal rights if your child suffered an injury due to some else’s negligence. Our legal team will do everything we can to answer your questions and keep you informed while we work on your claim. We are available to take your call anytime—just dial 205-851-1168 or complete a free initial consultation form.

Investigating Your Child’s Injury Claim

If you believe someone else’s negligence caused your child’s injury, a injury lawyer with Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can investigate your claim, including:

  • Actions and recommendations of your treating physicians.
  • Prescription medications your child was prescribed.
  • Medical records from healthcare facilities where he or she was treated.

If your child’s injury was caused by preventable complications—such as failure to run tests, a misdiagnosis, or medical malpractice — we are here to gather the evidence needed to build a strong claim.

Common Child Injuries

As we all know. injuries can occur at any time. Many of the most common injuries can cause lifelong physical and emotional trauma. Some of these injuries include:

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Erb’s Palsy (Brachial Palsy)
  • Uterine Rupture

You should not have to pay for an injury that could have been prevented. It is our job to fight for your family’s best interests and help you get the full amount of compensation you deserve for your child’s medical bills, future treatment, and pain and suffering.

Dog Bite Injury

Dog Bite Injury

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Dog Bite Attorneys Help Dog Bite Victims

Dog bites injuries are capable of causing both physical and mental suffering. That is why dog owners are responsible for keeping their pets restrained and away from potentially dangerous situations.

If you have suffered a dog bite injury, the dog bite attorneys at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers will fight to help you get the resolution you deserve. Our legal staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—call 205-851-1168 or fill out our free initial consultation form today.

Alabama Dog Bite Laws

There are several common factors surrounding dog bite attacks that may affect a victim’s ability to collect compensation:

  • Did negligence contribute to the attack? Negligence is grounds for liability in Alabama. If it can be determined that a dog owner’s careless behavior led to the attack, that person may be held responsible for the victim’s damages.
  • Was a landlord or property owner involved? In certain cases, a landlord may be held responsible for dog bite damages if he or she was aware a tenant possessed a dangerous animal and failed to ensure the safety of other people on the premises.
  • Did the incident involve a child? When a child age 6 or older is the victim of a dog bite injury, it must be determined if the child’s behavior provoked the attack. Parental supervision at the time of the incident may also affect a case.
  • Was a municipal ordinance violated? Most cities in Alabama require that dogs be chained in the yard or placed in a cage if the dog is left outside. If the animal escapes and bites someone, this categorically violates the municipal ordinance and gives solid ground for liability.

Circumstances like these are often complex and can impact the outcome of your injury claim. An experienced dog bite lawyer from Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help protect your legal rights after a dog bite.

Birth injury

Birth Injury

A medical professional’s negligence during your child’s delivery can leave your family with serious injuries requiring expensive medical treatment. Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help. Our birth defect and child injury lawyers know you want the best possible care for your child. We will fight to hold the responsible parties accountable so you can get the compensation you deserve to help cover your child’s medical bills for much needed treatment and for pain and suffering.

We want to protect your family’s legal rights if your child suffered a birth injury or was born with a birth defect that could have been prevented. Our legal professionals will do everything we can to answer your questions and keep you informed while we work on your claim. We are available to take your call anytime—just dial 205-851-1168 or complete a free initial consultation form.

Investigating Your Birth Injury Claim

If you believe someone else’s negligence caused your child’s birth defect, a birth injury lawyer with Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can investigate your claim, including:

  • Actions and recommendations of your treating physicians.
  • Prescription medications you were prescribed during your pregnancy.
  • Medical records from healthcare facilities where you delivered your child or were treated during pregnancy.

If your child’s birth injury was caused by preventable complications—such as failure to run tests, a misdiagnosis, or medical malpractice during delivery—we are here to gather the evidence needed to build a strong claim.

Common Birth Defects & Injuries

Birth injuries can occur before, during, or after delivery. Many of the most common birth injuries can cause lifelong physical and emotional trauma. Some of these injuries include:

Cerebral Palsy

The severe physical and developmental disabilities caused by cerebral palsy—such as tremors, seizure, and difficulty speaking—are the result of brain and nervous system disorders that can occur in premature or early infants after suffering:

  • Brain bleeding or infections
  • Head injuries
  • In-utero exposure to mothers’ infections
  • Lack of oxygen during delivery

Erb’s Palsy (Brachial Palsy)

The brachial plexus is a bundle of nerves surrounding the shoulders. When these nerves are stretched during delivery, it can result in a condition called brachial palsy, often referred to as Erb’s palsy. Symptoms can include lack of movement in a child’s arms or a lack of grip or moro-reflex (startle response) on the affected side of a child’s body.

Uterine Rupture

When the wall of the uterus tears during childbirth, it can be fatal for both the mother and child. Uterine rupture often occurs during the initial stages of labor, but it can be prevented with constant monitoring by medical professionals.

You should not have to pay for an injury that could have been prevented. It is our job to fight for your family’s best interests and help you get the full amount of compensation you deserve for your child’s medical bills, future treatment, and pain and suffering.

Nursing Home Abuse/Neglect

Nursing Home Abuse/Neglect

Know a Victim of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect? Call Roll Tide Injury Lawyers

You trust nursing homes to treat your loved ones with dignity and respect. But when a facility’s carelessness or cruelty harms someone you love, you should know that residents are protected under Alabama law. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we can stand up for your loved one’s rights.

Our nursing home abuse lawyers understand the emotional impact elder abuse can have on victims and their families, and we will give your claim the personal attention it deserves. Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—call 205-851-1168 or fill out our free initial consultation form today.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse occurs when a facility’s improper personal care harms a resident. And because elderly victims cannot always speak for themselves, detecting signs of nursing home abuse can be difficult. Common signs of abuse include:

  • Broken, damaged, or missing personal items
  • Bruising that suggests use of physical restraints
  • Excessive or rapid weight loss
  • Fecal or urine odors
  • Fleas, lice, or dirt on your loved one or in his or her room
  • Open wounds, cuts, bruises, or welts
  • Pale complexion
  • Poor hygiene
  • Untreated bed sores

Residents within a nursing facility have rights to a safe, clean, and dignified living experience. If you suspect your loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse, you can count on our nursing home abuse lawyers to help get your lives back to normal.

Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing home neglect occurs when a facility’s carelessness or dishonesty causes harm to patients. Warning signs include when a facility:

  • Is unable to explain or answer questions about your loved one’s condition
  • Lacks sufficient heating or cooling
  • Refuses to allow private visits
  • Suddenly changes your loved one’s medication or daily routine, or
  • Permits your loved one to wander off the premises

If you encounter warning signs such as these, Roll Tide Injury Lawyers is here to help ensure the safety of your elderly relative. Let us answer your questions and address your concerns today.



Trusted Social Security Lawyers

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can provide necessary financial assistance to those who are unable to work as a result of a physical or mental disability. However, the application process can be confusing and time consuming, and the outcome uncertain.

On average, 58% of SSD applications are denied annually. Of those, a mere 3% are approved following reconsideration and another 13% approved following a SSD hearing. [Source: U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Retirement and Disability Policy, Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2012,, November 2013.]

Approval of your application depends on properly submitting complicated paperwork with detailed medical evidence and work history. That means, not understanding all of the fine print can result in a denial of benefits. If you are disabled and considering applying for SSD benefits, don’t feel discouraged by the process.

The experienced Social Security lawyers and client managers of Roll Tide Injury Lawyers have guided many others through this process—and they are ready to help you. Contact us today for a free consultation or to request an informational handbook from our staff.

In 2010, 2.7 million disabled workers applied for SSD benefits; but only about 940,000 applications were approved. [Source: U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Retirement and Disability Policy, Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2012,, November 2013.] SSD claims can be denied for nonmedical reasons (such as too few “work credits”) or medical reasons.

To qualify for SSD benefits, you must meet the U.S. Social Security Administration’s strict definition of disability. You can qualify for SSD if you meet all of the three criteria listed below:

  • You cannot do the work you did before;
  • You cannot adjust to other work because of your medical conditions or disabilities; and
  • You have a disability that has lasted for one year, expect your disability to last for one year, or expect to die as a result of your disability.

If you apply for SSD, the Social Security Administration will evaluate whether you are disabled, and whether you have enough “work credits” (meaning, whether you have paid enough into Social Security through your taxes).

In addition, you must also meet certain eligibility requirements relating to work history, income, medical condition(s), and more.

Social Security Lawyers

Trusted Social Security Lawyers

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can provide necessary financial assistance to those who are unable to work as a result of a physical or mental disability. However, the application process can be confusing and time consuming, and the outcome uncertain.

On average, 58% of SSD applications are denied annually. Of those, a mere 3% are approved following reconsideration and another 13% approved following a SSD hearing. [Source: U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Retirement and Disability Policy, Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2012,, November 2013.]

Approval of your application depends on properly submitting complicated paperwork with detailed medical evidence and work history. That means, not understanding all of the fine print can result in a denial of benefits. If you are disabled and considering applying for SSD benefits, don’t feel discouraged by the process.

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Can Help You Navigate the SSD Application Process

In 2010, 2.7 million disabled workers applied for SSD benefits; but only about 940,000 applications were approved. [Source: U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Retirement and Disability Policy, Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2012,, November 2013.] SSD claims can be denied for nonmedical reasons (such as too few “work credits”) or medical reasons.

To qualify for SSD benefits, you must meet the U.S. Social Security Administration’s strict definition of disability. You can qualify for SSD if you meet all of the three criteria listed below:

  • You cannot do the work you did before;
  • You cannot adjust to other work because of your medical conditions or disabilities; and
  • You have a disability that has lasted for one year, expect your disability to last for one year, or expect to die as a result of your disability.

If you apply for SSD, the Social Security Administration will evaluate whether you are disabled, and whether you have enough “work credits” (meaning, whether you have paid enough into Social Security through your taxes).

In addition, you must also meet certain eligibility requirements relating to work history, income, medical condition(s), and more.

Contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.

Insurance Claims

Insurance claim lawyer Birmingham, AL

Homeowners insurance, car insurance, medical insurance … These are all examples of protection you can rely upon following an unforeseen event, like a roof-damaging storm, a rush-hour car accident, or an unexpected illness or injury. Or, can you?

You may find yourself fighting with your insurance company to obtain the benefits promised under your coverage. Insurance companies sometimes deny valid claims, delay payment, or even make unreasonable demands before providing relief. This experience may have left you feeling abandoned by the company you paid to protect you in this type of situation as they act in bad faith.

Insurance law can seem complex, and it is, but Roll Tide Injury Lawyers is a top Birmingham insurance law firm and we simplify the process for you. During a free initial consultation, we will learn the details of your case, take a look at your insurance coverage, and let you know whether your insurance company is acting in bad faith.

As your legal counsel and insurance claims attorney, we operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning we won’t get paid unless we win your insurance claim dispute. Therefore, we will never recommend a legal action against your insurance carrier unless we believe them to be in the wrong and your case to be strong.

You are not alone in this fight—contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation. Our experienced insurance claim attorneys can help protect your legal rights to get the compensation you are owed for your claim.

Let Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Take on the Powerful Insurance Companies

In Alabama, there are over 1,000 insurance companies licensed to insure residents. Although every insurance company has its own policy and procedures, these insurance companies all share one thing in common: paying the least amount of money possible to settle a dispute or claim.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we believe that a client should get all the funds that they are entitled to under their policy. Whether it be a claim for property damage, personal injury protection, a natural disaster, bodily injury, wrongful death, or other insurance claims, we will work aggressively to get you the funds you deserve.

Despite the premium you pay, your claim affects the insurance company’s bottom line. Terms of coverage are often specific and can be difficult to understand. Insurance companies sometimes deny or delay coverage—or make seemingly unreasonable demands before paying you the money you are owed.

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers has experience obtaining favorable resolution and compensation in a variety of insurance claim disputes:



Before you sign an insurance company document or miss an important filing deadline, call Roll Tide Injury Lawyers. Our insurance dispute lawyers understand the ins and outs of the auto insurance business; and can help you understand where coverage may be available to you.


It can be difficult to obtain payment of disability insurance benefits—even if you believe you have clearly become disabled. We will research your policy, explain what compensation may be available to you, represent your interests in benefit disputes, and even pursue legal action in the courtroom.


Your insurance claim can be denied for a simple mistake in completing or submitting paperwork. Our knowledgeable legal staff can decode the complex health insurance policy guidelines, explain any available recourse, and guide you through the claims process.


Following a natural disaster or vandalism, your home may require potentially expensive, necessary repairs. However, getting the insurance company to pay your claim can be difficult at best—or even seemingly impossible. With our knowledge and resources, we can take the frustration out of the process and help resolve your insurance dispute.


When a loved one passes, the loss can devastate a family—emotionally and financially. The fact is, your loved one held a life insurance policy to provide for his or her survivors. So when an insurance company disputes your ability to collect benefits, our insurance dispute attorneys can help you collect the compensation that your loved one intended you to receive.


Mold damage—common in Alabama’s humid climate—can lead to a variety of health issues if not quickly eliminated. However, remediation and repair can be expensive; and may not be covered under your home insurance policy. Our experienced insurance dispute attorneys can determine your eligibility to file a mold claim and will guide you through the claims process.


Alabama’s large, underground limestone formations often cause sinkholes. Our sinkhole claims attorneys understand the state’s unique geology—and will fight to protect your legal rights after a sinkhole damages your property.


Unfortunately, we have no control of the weather. And by its very nature, severe weather is unpredictable, and the damage it can cause to personal property is often catastrophic. It can be extremely frustrating and taxing to deal with the results of a particularly nasty storm or another naturally occurring event, but dealing with your insurance company can easily take your stress level to new heights.


When your Property or Home get damaged due to Water Damage the last thing you want to think about is how you will pay for any damages and replace your possessions. Sadly, insurance companies will often not live up to their obligations. This is where we at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help you.

Don’t try to fight the mighty insurance company on your own—contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation. We have represented insurance claimants throughout Alabama; and have the legal knowledge and resources to help you get the compensation you are owed for your damages.

Fire Damage Claims

Fire Damage

Are you at odds with your insurance company because of Fire Damage to your home or Property? We at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help. We know how to make sure that you get what is your from the insurance company.

Contact us now to get a Free Consultation. And remember: We win, or you don’t pay us anything.

Storm Damage Claims

Storm Damage

About Insurance Claims: Storm Damage

Unfortunately, we have no control of the weather. And by its very nature, severe weather is unpredictable, and the damage it can cause to personal property is often catastrophic. It can be extremely frustrating and taxing to deal with the results of a particularly nasty storm or another naturally occurring event, but dealing with your insurance company can easily take your stress level to new heights. Even the best of insurance companies can be difficult to deal with in regard to a claim, and they will often look to exploiting legal loopholes within your policy for their own benefit.

It can’t be overstated how important it is to possess a thorough understanding of your insurance policy. But with that said, should storm damage to your home or property occur, you may find yourself in need of help when it comes to receiving an equitable payout. Specializing in storm damage claims, Roll Tide Injury Lawyers can help you with just that. We can assist you in getting the money you deserve. Call us today at 205-851-1168 or fill out our free consultation form.

Does Your Insurance Policy Cover Storm Damage?

In today’s world, there’s no getting around having the kind of homeowner’s insurance needed to protect your family’s financial future should disaster strike. But just exactly what does that insurance policy cover? This is an extremely important question.

Regardless of what you may think, your current insurance policy does not cover all types of damage resulting from different types of storms. As a matter of fact, certain kinds of storm damage often require entirely different policies. It’s easy to see how important it is to familiarize yourself with the most common types of storm damage you could be confronted with. Let’s start with lightning.

Lightning Strikes

As all Alabamans know, thunderstorms are not uncommon. And where there are thunderstorms, there is lightning. Lightning bolts strike the Earth’s surface 100 times each second, and each strike can deliver up to one billion volts of electricity. Needless to say, lightning strikes can cause some serious damage to your home and property.

Power surges are often the biggest problem experienced by a policyholder and often result in a plethora of ruined electronic devices. Sure, most homeowner’s policies cover damage related to power surges—as well as fire and smoke damage—however, coverage often varies from policy to policy. Be sure to learn all the details of your policy.

Heavy Winds

High and powerful winds spawned by hurricanes and tornadoes can do an incredible amount of damage to the average home. They can damage roofs, sometimes ripping them off altogether, as well as the sides of your house. In addition, extremely strong winds can blow down trees, which in turn can fall over on your home, your vehicles, and other property.

The average insurance policy typically covers damage caused by rain driven by high winds, as well as damage caused by fallen trees if, in fact, it was the storm winds that caused the tree to come crashing down in the first place.


More often than not, flood damage is usually not covered by your standard homeowner’s policy in the state of Alabama. It is recommended that you purchase separate flood insurance, regardless of what caused the flood, in order to protect yourself from the severe water damage that usually accompanies a flood.

Hurricanes: What To Do After

Unfortunately, even the best attempts to protect one’s property will likely end with some kind of damage in the event of a hurricane. But there’s no need to worry. In the event of hurricane damage to your property, Roll Tide Injury Lawyers will help you in taking the following measures to guarantee your insurance claim is resolved quickly and fairly.

Be certain to cover any damage property with a tarpaulin or similar item to prevent any further damage. As is standard with most insurance companies, they are trained to look for any reason to avoid paying you. That said, insurance companies sometimes assert your property was damaged after the hurricane in order to deny your claim.

Be sure to document everything, and this cannot be overstated. It’s our recommendation that you begin documenting outside. Take photographs, being careful to get your entire home in each photo if possible—this includes every side of the house as well as the roof. Be sure to take pictures of the yard, too. Because they show more, wide shots are highly recommended. Once the exterior wide shots have been taken, you can move in closer to capture more detail. Go inside once you’re finished outside, being sure to get photos of the entirety of every room. Once the rooms are photographed, you can start taking pictures of individual items. As you take these photos, it’s best to make a written inventory of everything. This will all come in very helpful later.

Don’t procrastinate—be sure to file your insurance claim as quickly as possible.

Be Forewarned: You May Not Get the Money You Need

Even if your home or property has been damaged by a storm, and even if you’ve done everything required of you to file your claim, you may still run into hassles getting your insurance company to play fair.

As mentioned before, it’s vitally important to understand everything there is to know about your particular insurance policy, including how your insurance company will pay out. The following is a list of common problems experienced by policy owners attempting to file a claim:

  • Insurance companies look for excuses to justify denying your claim, such as subtle loopholes and vague wording within your policy. Be aware!
  • The evaluation of damage to your home or property might be much lower than what you expected and need—and truth be told, much lower than what is fair. The insurance company may also try to minimize your incurred expenses, such as overnight hotel stays, rental vehicles, and more.
  • The insurance company will sometimes refute their obligation to provide you with defense to claims made under a liability insurance

In order to avoid being taken advantage of, you must learn all the ins and outs of your policy. Additionally, should a damaging storm occur, be sure to do whatever you think is necessary to prevent or reduce any further damage.

All that being said, should you find yourself involved in a policy dispute with your insurance company, Roll Tide Injury Lawyers is here to help you get the money you have coming to you.

Call Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Now. We Fight For You

The devoted attorneys at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers know how to deal with stubborn insurance agencies—we deal with them on a regular basis. And based on our many years of experience, here’s a list of what we believe to be the basic rights of every insurance policy holder:

  • You have the right to a just and reasonable settlement.
  • You have the right to fight delays, denials, and inequitable payment offers.
  • You have the right to know why your claim was denied.
  • You have the right to be treated fairly and with respect.

We’re here to help home owners, condominium owners, property managers, associated boards, and public adjusters get the highest amount of benefits they deserve after a storm (including hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters) or an accident.

A natural disaster, especially one that destroys your home, can leave you feeling vulnerable and helpless. We understand this, and that’s why we’ll never accept any offer less than what you and your family truly deserve.

We will never stop fighting until you receive the maximum benefits you have coming to you under your policy, and we will not charge you a single nickel unless we win for you.


CALL Roll Tide Injury Lawyers ATTORNEYS NOW AT 205-851-1168. WE’RE HERE TO HELP YOU.

Employment Dispute

Employment Dispute

Trusted Employment Lawyers for all Your Workplace Discrimination Needs

If you are like many Americans, you may spend more waking time working than engaging in activities outside of work. [Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, “American Time Use Survey – 2013 Results,”, June 2014, accessed November 2014.”] When you encounter workplace harassment or discrimination of any kind, this home away from home can suddenly change—from a safe and welcoming environment to one fraught with danger or hostility. The resulting stress can negatively impact your health, your relationships, and even your job performance. [Source: American Psychological Association, Stress in AmericaTM: Missing the Health Care Connection,, February 2013, accessed November 2014.]

However, you may have hesitated to file a claim against your employer for fear of termination—and the resulting lost wages and benefits. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we don’t want you to worry about supporting your family or trying to deal with the situation on your own. Whether you were discriminated against, sexually harassed, wrongfully terminated, or retaliated against, you have rights. What you need is an employee’s attorney, who fights for your workplace disputes and discrimination.

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Employment Lawyers—Protecting Your Rights from Unlawful and Uncomfortable Behavior in the Workplace

According to both state and federal laws, employers are forbidden to discriminate against current or prospective employees based on:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Genetic information
  • National origin
  • Pregnancy
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sex

Federal laws also prohibit sexual harassment, wrongful termination, and employer retaliation.


Examples of sexual harassment include unwanted sexual advances, demands for sexual favors, or any other sexual conduct at work—such as repeated inappropriate remarks, emails, or text messages. It is important that you follow your company’s grievance procedure to report any incidences. If that does not work, or if you continue to be harassed, you may have a legal claim.


Under Alabama law, most employees are classified as “at will” employees (unless a written employment agreement changes this status). This means that your employer can fire you for any reason—with or without cause—so long as you are not terminated for illegal reasons, such as your age, disability, or sex.


If you filed a sexual harassment charge against your employer, questioned your employer’s results during a grievance investigation, or offered to assist in a sexual harassment investigation and then were retaliated against, the law may provide you with relief against the employer.

If you feel that you have been discriminated against or subjected to harassment in the state of Alabama, you may need to file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Alabama Department of Labor.

Because the EEOC and the Alabama Department of Labor have set strict deadlines for filing a claim—or, statutes of limitations—it is critical that you contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers immediately. Our experienced employment lawyers will determine whether you should file with one or both of the agencies, investigate the circumstances surrounding your experience, and help you file your complaint within the required time-frame.

Unpaid Overtime and Hours Attorneys

Under federal laws, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers are required to pay employees at least minimum wage—and overtime pay of at least 1½ the regular pay rate. Overtime applies to any hours worked above and beyond 40 hours in one week. However, sometimes employees go unpaid as employers fail to pay employees the wages they have earned.

If your employer failed to pay you overtime—or forced you to work off the clock—it may be in violation of the FLSA Even if you have questioned your employer, the answer you’ve received may be incomplete or inaccurate. Employment law can be complicated; so it is important that you get help from a qualified and experienced unpaid wages and hours attorney.

You may be hesitant to demand the overtime you have earned, and worried that your legal action may result in termination, reduced hours, or other unfair treatment. We at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers want you to know, the law is here to protect you from retaliation. In some instances, the law allows for additional claims against your employer for relation.

If you have not received overtime pay that you have earned, get in touch with your employment lawyer at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Firm today for a free legal consultation. Our unpaid wages and hours lawyers will review your case and explain your potential rights or available recourse.

Do You Have Unpaid Wages? Employment Lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Can Help.

It is your right to collect the wages you have earned according to the FLSA. In Alabama, there is no state minimum wage law. Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. [Source: U.S. Department of Labor, “Minimum Wage Laws in the States – September 1, 2014,” Carolina , accessed November 2014.]

[Source: U.S. Department of Labor, “Minimum Wage Laws in the States – September 1, 2014,” , accessed November 2014.]

If you are being under-compensated, talk to the unpaid wages lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers. We are committed to upholding your rights under the law. Call us today at 205-851-1168 or consult with our employment attorney at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers for free legal advice.

If your employer is not paying you the minimum wage as specified by law—or forced you to work off the clock—it may be in violation of the FLSA. Even if you have questioned your employer, the answer you’ve received may be incomplete or inaccurate. Employment law can be complicated; so it is important that you get help from a qualified and experienced unpaid wages and hours attorney.

You may be hesitant to demand a fair wage, and worried that your legal action may result in termination, reduced hours, or other unfair treatment. We at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers want you to know, the law is here to protect you from retaliation. If your employer takes a negative employment action against you for asserting your right to paid a fair wage, you may have an additional claim against your employer.

If you are being under-compensated, contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.

What Is FMLA?

An employee may be covered for leave under the FMLA if they meet specific criteria. These criteria include (a) being a covered employee under the FMLA, (b) being employed by a covered employer under the FMLA; and (c) have taken leave for specific family and/or medical reason under the FMLA. To be a “covered employee” under the FMLA, you must have been employed by a covered employer and work at a worksite within 75 miles of which that employer employs 50 people; have worked at least 12 months (which do not have to be consecutive) for the employer, and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 months immediately before the date FMLA leave began. A “covered employer” under the FMLA includes private employers, and certain public employers, who engage in commerce, or in any industry affecting commerce, and who has 50 or more employees each working day during at least 20 calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar year.

Under the FMLA, a covered employee is entitled to take job-protected, unpaid leave for specified family and medical reasons. Eligible employees are entitled to:

12 workweeks of leave in any 12-month period for:

  • Birth and care of the employee’s child, within one year of birth;
  • Placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care, within one year of the placement,
  • Care of an immediate family member (spouse, child, parent) who has a serious health condition;
  • For the employee’s own serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job, and
  • Any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, son , daughter, or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to order to active duty in the U.S. National
  • Guard or Reserves in support of a contingency operation.

26 workweeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness if the employee is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of the service member.

Additionally, if an employee was receiving group health benefits when leave began, an employer must maintain them at the same level and in the same manner during period of FMLA leave as if the employee had continued to work.

An employee may take FMLA leave intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary. Taking intermittent leave for certain reasons such as birth of a child is subject to the employer’s approval. Employer approval is not necessary in certain circumstances as medically necessary.

When the need for leave is foreseeable, an employee must notify the employer at least 30 days in advance, or as far in advance as is reasonable. When the leave is not foreseeable, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable under the circumstances. An employer may require supporting documentation from an employee’s care provider and request periodic reports of the employee’s intent to return to work.


Upon returning to work from FMLA leave, an employee is entitled to be restored to the same or an equivalent job with equivalent pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment. [1]

We will assist you in calculating the amount of any recovery owed with a FMLA Claim based on the information and documentation you provide to us. As discussed and authorized by you, once we have calculated and you have approved the amount of recovery an employer owes you, we will generally use this amount to make the initial demand to employer to resolve your claim. As discussed, this amount is the potential recovery a jury may award at trial if you are successful and the jury rejects all of the defenses from employer. You should not view this initial amount as the amount you will recover in your case because it usually is not. Instead, it is a negotiation tool to assist in our efforts to maximize your recovery by giving you the “room” to negotiate with employer. The reasonable settlement amount for your case will likely be less especially after we are advised of the employer’s defenses. We have several negotiation tools that may help you maximize your recovery, which we will evaluate with you based on the facts of your case.

Don’t wait another day, contact our attorneys now so that we can start working on your claim.

Class Actions

Class Actions

When defective medical devices or pharmaceutical drugs cause harm to large groups of people, the Birmingham injury lawyers at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers pursue legal claims—or mass torts—to help victims get compensation for their suffering.

We want to alert people like you about these potentially harmful drugs and defective products through consumer alerts. We believe that consumer alerts give power back to the people instead of the corporations that make unsafe products.

Consumer Alert & Mass Tort Cases We Handle

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we handle consumer claims for:

Defective Products

Defective products can range from household items that cause fires to medical devices that cause life-threatening injuries. Product manufacturers are responsible for testing their goods and making sure they are safe. When they do not, they can be held liable for victims’ accident-related expenses.

Drug Injuries

When your doctor prescribes a drug, you expect it to help you get better. But some prescription drugs use contaminated ingredients or have inadequate warning labels about the side effects and health conditions they may cause. When drug manufacturers use contaminated ingredients or don not warn patients about the dangers of their drugs, they can be held liable for patients’ medical bills and lost wages.

If you or someone you love was injured by a defective product or medication, Roll Tide Injury Lawyers wants to help. Our consumer alerts team is always researching recalled medical devices and drugs in order to build stronger claims for our clients. You can count on us to give your case the attention and professionalism it deserves—call us at 205-851-1168 or fill out a free initial consultation form today.

Drugs class action lawsuit

Drug Injury

Injured After Taking a Drug? Roll Tide Injury Lawyers Can Help.

Every year, new medications capture the public’s attention promising to improve the quality of life for their prescribed users. Yet months or years later, many of these drugs make headlines again following an FDA recall or reports of innocent people being harmed. When a drug causes you more harm than good, Roll Tide Injury Lawyers wants to help you.

“Reuters states that between 2004 and 2011, researchers counted more than 1,700 drug recalls listed in the FDA’s enforcement reports.”

We believe pharmaceutical companies and other responsible parties must be held accountable when their medications injure the public. If you have been injured by a drug, talk to a drug injury lawyer from Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today.

What Causes Drug Injuries?

Drug injuries can result from:

  • Contamination or a defect in the manufacturing process
  • Harmful interactions with other prescription medications
  • Inadequate warning labels or documentation
  • and more

No matter how you were injured, the legal issues surrounding a drug injury can be complex. The drug injury attorneys at Roll Tide Injury Lawyers will get to know you to help ensure your rights to collect compensation are protected—so you can focus on getting your life back to normal.

Experience Helping Drug Injury Victims

After a drug injury, victims are often left with medical bills, lost wages, and lingering pain and suffering. If you’re suffering from a drug injury, our legal team will help answer your questions and address your concerns as we build a strong claim on your behalf.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we have years of experience helping drug injury victims in Birmingham and throughout the great state of Alabama get the compensation they deserve. Contact us today, and let us fight for your rights. Call us at 205-851-1168 or fill out our free initial consultation form 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Defective Products

Defective Products

Representing Defective Product Injury Victims

Every year, thousands of people are injured by defective products. Whether it is a defective medical device or an appliance off a store shelf, you should be able to trust that products are safe to use.

If you have been injured by a defective product, you should not have to fight the insurance companies alone. A defective product lawyer from Roll Tide Injury Lawyers will work hard to build you a strong claim, so you can concentrate on getting better. Contact us by calling 205-851-1168 or filling out our free initial consultation form today.

Types of Product Defects

Depending on the product, more than one party may be responsible for a defect. From initial design to distribution, there are three common types of product defects that may result in personal injury:

  • Design defects are flaws stemming from a product’s creation. A product may be missing a key safety feature, or designers may have overlooked a way in which the product may be dangerous when used as intended.
  • There are errors or defects resulting from the manufacturing process. A mistake during production or poor workmanship may result in serious injury.
  • Proper warnings or instructions are not provided. Products must feature warning labels that alert users to potential safety hazards and instructions that explain how to safely operate products.

At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, we take the time to understand what happened to you and listen to your concerns. Our team of defective product attorneys will investigate the circumstances of your injury to help ensure the parties responsible for your injuries are held accountable.

Get Help Now

Alabama law limits the amount of time an injured victim can make a defective product claim. These laws—known as the statute of limitations—can vary depending on the nature of your injury. We understand product liability law, and we will help make sure the proper deadlines are met so you can get the compensation you deserve as quickly as possible.

Our legal staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so contact Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today to get the legal help you deserve. We have years of experience helping injured victims throughout the Birmingham area and throughout the great state of Alabama.

Birmingham Alabama Skyline

ABOUT Birmingham, Alabama

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers are proud to serve the residents of Birmingham, Alabama in Jefferson County. Founded in 1871, Birmingham started as an iron and steel town. The rapid growth of the city earned it the nickname “The Magic City” by the early 1900s.

Are you looking for things to do in Birmingham? Our restaurants, museums, shops, and parks offer many options. Check out these resources to plan your day Greater Birmingham Convention & Visitors Bureau.

If you want to work with a personal injury attorney, you need Roll Tide Injury Lawyers!

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers is a Birmingham personal injury attorney law firm whose priority is to help our clients get positive resolutions to their injury claims. We focus solely on personal injury law in multiple practice areas including motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall, pedestrian accidents, worker’s compensation and much more. At Roll Tide Injury Lawyers, our lawyers have dedicated their careers to protecting innocent victims like you. With thousands of cases won and millions of dollars in settlements recovered for our clients, we know what it takes to win personal injury cases, including bicycle accident, dog bite, wrongful death, drug injuries, child injury, brain injury, and much more! If you or a loved one has been injured and you need assistance from the Birmingham car accident attorney, personal injury lawyer, and advocate, call Roll Tide Injury Lawyers today!

Roll Tide Injury Lawyers
123 Some St.
Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 851-1168